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Memorize These Vital Facts Now

• The Liberty Net meets Saturday at around 10PM Eastern US Time. Right now we use QSOnet and the virtual ionosphere on 3944 kHz (where there is zero interference and no antenna is needed) — we will be returning to HF after some station construction is finished, probably on the same frequency. The Net usually lasts until midnight or even 2AM Eastern. Our chat room (click the “Enter Chat” button) is most active at those times. Our audio stream (click the “Listen Live” button) is live during the Net and special events, and plays recordings at all other times.

• Recordings of the latest Liberty Nets are generally posted to the top of the Liberty Net Audio column a day or a few days after the Net session.

• And have a bit of fun; look up WB4AIO on QRZ — not but the much better, which now allows SWLs to register with special SWL callsigns and interact with amateur radio operators. Check it out and make sure to register! (After they refused to take down incorrect information about me, I recently requested that I no longer be listed on the highly unethical and deceptive Web site.)

Check out the Harris RF-110A that I am in the process of restoring!

We now have a very easily accessed new chat room. Click on “Enter Chat” below (opens in new tab). Then pick your desired name (“nick”) before hitting the start button. No password needed.

Click to open audio player in new, movable window

Click the “Listen Live” button above to listen to the audio stream in a new, movable window. You can also use the alternative audio player links below.

Alternative links to play our stream in your favorite media player:

Winamp, iTunes
Direct stream link
Windows Media Player

There’s another great 24/7 radio network you can try, too — just click here — it’s put out by the good folks at the National Alliance.

Our discussion room rules are simple: Be civil; no disruption or personal attacks on legitimate, honorable net participants, and no promotion of sites or individuals which attack them. Please don’t paste huge blocks of text into the room; use a link instead.