Liberty Net: October 1, 2016

liberty-net-annapolis-radio-towersby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

IT LOOKS like the solar storm has abated at almost the same moment that a terrestrial storm is hitting the Carolinas very hard. Always be aware that emergency transmissions have priority — so be listening for them and stand by, or help if you can, when they appear. It’s also a good time to consider hardening your shack and antenna installations so that they can continue to function even under severe weather conditions.

Listen: Liberty Net 10/1″]

Here are a few of the issues mentioned on the net this week, along with my take on them:

• Since the horrible billionaire-written turkey called Obamacare was launched, no fewer than 17 insurance co-ops have failed, and the state “exchanges” are all in trouble too, if we can believe their own words. (16 minutes)

• All of North America is being flooded with an unprecedented flood of non-White invaders, many of them Muslim. But the impetus for this has nothing to do with religion: The corporate kleptocrats want more cheap labor from whatever source, and the super-rich Jews want to exterminate the White race. (33 minutes)

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