Liberty Net: October 1, 2016

liberty-net-annapolis-radio-towersby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

IT LOOKS like the solar storm has abated at almost the same moment that a terrestrial storm is hitting the Carolinas very hard. Always be aware that emergency transmissions have priority — so be listening for them and stand by, or help if you can, when they appear. It’s also a good time to consider hardening your shack and antenna installations so that they can continue to function even under severe weather conditions.

Listen: Liberty Net 10/1″]

Here are a few of the issues mentioned on the net this week, along with my take on them:

• Since the horrible billionaire-written turkey called Obamacare was launched, no fewer than 17 insurance co-ops have failed, and the state “exchanges” are all in trouble too, if we can believe their own words. (16 minutes)

• All of North America is being flooded with an unprecedented flood of non-White invaders, many of them Muslim. But the impetus for this has nothing to do with religion: The corporate kleptocrats want more cheap labor from whatever source, and the super-rich Jews want to exterminate the White race. (33 minutes)

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Liberty Net: June 11, 2016

Liberty-Net---RCA-814-tubesby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THANKS TO MARTY, N2IRJ who stood in as Net Control Station (NCS) on this week’s Liberty Net, when Vic, W1WCR had to be away. Marty is also the regular NCS for the Midweek Liberty Net, which takes place every Wednesday at 10PM Eastern Time. When you check in to these nets, your callsign will be placed on a list and then, after check-ins are completed, each station will be called upon for comments in the order in which he or she checked in.

Listen: Liberty Net 6/11″]

Here are a few of the ideas brought up on this week’s Liberty Net, along with my comments:

• A police officer in a major US city predicts massive civil disobedience — or possibly even civil war — if Hillary becomes manager of the Jews’ “federal government” in Washington and tries to further abrogate the Second Amendment. And, he predicts, in any such conflict many policemen will side with American citizens and will openly defy the Washington regime. (28 minutes)

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