Liberty Net: July 23, 2016

Liberty-Net---FFSS-demostration-recordby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

MOST INFORMATION sources these days want to sell you something and are therefore beholden to the maker of, and market for, that thing. Or they’re selling advertising and are therefore beholden to whomever is really paying the bills. In contrast, the Liberty Net is totally non-commercial and dedicated to public service. It is not monolithic, and consists entirely of independent individuals sharing information freely, teaching — and learning from — other participants.

Listen: Liberty Net 7/23″]

Here are some selected samples of the topics brought forward on this week’s net, along with my interpretations:

• Thank goodness for Guccifer and Wikileaks, who have shown the world that the criminal Clinton Machine stole the Democratic nomination from Bernie Sanders. (3 minutes)

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