Liberty Net: June 15, 2013


by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE LIBERTY NET is a spontaneous cultural phenomenon. Beholden to no commercial or political entity, it is a natural, voluntary community of communicators who see a need to share the truth as they see it. One factor that unites net participants — and there are many — is a deep and justified skepticism about pronouncements from governments and from the billionaires’ media outlets.

Liberty Net – 2013-0615″]

Here’s a small selection of the issues brought up for debate on the Liberty Net this time:

• The Washington regime’s “law enforcement” agencies are now totally politicized: Witness the IRS persecution of political dissidents, and the total lack of proper investigation and prosecution of the criminal IRS bureaucrats. This, however, is just the tip of the iceberg — the FBI, CIA, JTTF, HSA, and NSA (among others) are all intensely politicized and relentlessly engage in illegal acts against dissidents. They are no longer legitimate or legal. (14 minutes)

• David Hunt and John Bolton are both wildly over-the-top “consulting warmongers” for Fox News. They never met a war they didn’t like. But suddenly, for the first time in a decade, they are getting cold feet about incinerating more Arabs. What’s going on? Has Vladimir Putin put something on the table that has made the DC regime and its sycophants very, very afraid? (21 minutes)

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