Liberty Net: April 23, 2011

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

N2IRJ’s W1WCR-DESIGNED Beverage antenna was back in action during the latest Liberty Net, and, if the increased check-ins of new stations are any indication, it seems that more and more people are discovering, enjoying, and participating in the longest-running discussion net on the amateur radio airwaves.

[wpaudio url=”,%20Saturday%20%20%204h%2006m%2000s%20%20%20Source%20%20N2IRJ.mp3″ text=”Listen: Liberty Net 4/23″]

Here are just a few of the subjects brought up and debated this week:

• To restore the American economy, massive numbers of useless or oppressive government employees must be let go; and our disastrous wars for Israel in the Mideast must be ended, and our troops withdrawn. But how will we keep these people out of the unemployment lines? It’s simple: Use our troops to expel the Mestizo invaders and then have them keep our southern border secure — millions of jobs will then become available for our own people. (23 minutes)

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