EVERY once in a while it’s good to review the necessary frequency spacing need for voice communications on the amateur bands. It’s a complex subject, but you should follow these basics: Listen carefully to the other nearby conversations, determine the transmitted bandwidth being used (hint: these days, it’s not always 3 kHz) then pick a frequency that will not cause any overlap between your transmitted bandwidth and theirs. (You do know your own transmitted bandwidth, right?) And, if at all possible, don’t cozy up as close as you can — leave a kHz or two extra. Even the telephone company, when they started using multiplex SSB signals (with carefully controlled levels) for their long-haul circuits, used 4 kHz spacing for an audio bandwidth of about 3.5 kHz.
Listen: Liberty Net 1/24″]
Here are some short extracts from, and commentary on, a few of the discussions that took place on the Liberty Net this session:
• One great flaw in the US Constitution is that it has no way to deal with an enemy within who is overtly organized as a religion, such as the Islamic and Jewish power structures. (36 minutes)
• Is the oil market being manipulated by the oligarchs in an effort to harm Russia? (40 minutes)