Liberty Net: February 27, 2016

Liberty-Net---radio-wavesby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE LIBERTY Net is amateur radio’s longest-running current events discussion net, on the air since 1974. We have a few participants who have been taking part for decades, and every week there are first-timers too. Why not visit us this week and check in?

Listen: Liberty Net 2/27″]

Here is my take on a few of the subjects discussed and debated on the net this week:

• There’s at least one good thing about the election season — it sets up millions of people for total disillusionment when their “heroes” turn out to be cynical liars or money-puppets or both. And a good dose of disillusionment can lead to healthy radicalization. (48 minutes)

• It’s hard to believe that anyone could work up any enthusiasm whatsoever for dead-fish Israel-lobby-owned phony-religious-nut Ted Cruz. (52 minutes)

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