Liberty Net: May 7, 2011

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE LIBERTY NET continued its free speech traditions this week, with ideas and debates sometimes intense — and sometimes worthy of a modern-day School of Athens. If you’d like to join in, get an amateur radio license — they’re easier to obtain than ever before — and add your voice to the check-ins.

[wpaudio url=”,%20Saturday%20%20%205h%2048m%2023s%20%20%203983%20kHz%20%20%20Source%20%20N2IRJ.mp3″ text=”Listen: Liberty Net 5/7″]

Here are just a few examples of what you can hear on this week’s recording:

• Police in some jurisdictions are seizing motorists’ cell telephones during random traffic stops — and inspecting the personal data therein, all without a search warrant. Some freedom-minded citizens are responding by always carrying a throwaway phone that can be given up without giving up privacy. (6 minutes)

The Last Roundup, the radio program of N2SAG, one of the Liberty Net’s leading participants, is now on 5110 kHz every Friday at 9PM Eastern (0100 UTC). (22 minutes)

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