Liberty Net: September 22, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

ONE OF THE THINGS I like about the Liberty Net is that it transcends the conventional categories of “left” and “right,” “liberal” and “conservative.”

Both the right and the left are all about economics, which essentially boils down to who should plow the turnip field, who should plant and harvest the turnips, and how many turnips everyone should get: as if the ultimate meaning of our lives and societies is the production and consumption of turnips — or dollars; same thing. The Liberty Net addresses economic issues at times, to be sure, but it also speaks to fundamental issues of who we are and what our purpose on Earth should be. It is radical in the original meaning of that word, which is “to get to the root of things.” And that’s a very good thing.

Listen: Liberty Net 9/22″]

Here’s a sampling of the issues debated and discussed this time:

• Only morons could possibly believe the “Iran is dangerous because of its nuclear program” pro-war propaganda, almost all of which directly or indirectly emanates from the one extremely dangerous, aggressive nuclear power in the Middle East: Israel. (18 minutes)

• It’s very good to hear that not all conservatives are following the neocon warmongers when it comes to Iran. One radio station owner in the Midwest, who checks in occasionally to the Liberty Net, is openly calling for allowing Iran total freedom to develop nuclear weapons if it wants to. He believes that a balance of power in that region is far better for peace than the current nuclear monopoly. (37 minutes)

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