Liberty Net: March 3, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

N2IRJ’s phone patch was temporarily down this week because of technical issues with Marty’s transceiver — we hope that these problems will soon be resolved — yet participation and exchange of ideas continued on the Liberty Net at a very high level nonetheless. This week also saw some major solar activity, so the next net might feature some interesting 75 meter propagation.

Listen: Liberty Net 3/3″]

Here are just a few of the ideas discussed and debated during this week’s session:

• Russia is positioning itself to prevent the plans of the warmongering oligarchs to start wars in Syria and Iran from coming to fruition. Most recently, Moscow has been helping both countries improve their abilities to detect and defend against attacks. (10 minutes)

• If the regime in Washington were really serious about preventing terror attacks by Muslims, it would end, and then reverse, all Middle Eastern immigration — and would also stop murdering innocent Muslims overseas in its wars for Israel. (13 minutes)

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