Liberty Net: February 25, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE LIBERTY NET continues to be much like a modern-day School of Athens, bringing together branches of philosophy and thought — and news about important events — together in a way that no other meeting of the minds can match.

Listen: Liberty Net 2/25″]

Here are some of the subjects that participants discussed during this week’s Liberty Net session:

• Why do you suppose that the network television program Law and Order, which prides itself on stories “ripped from the headlines,” routinely takes accounts of horrific crimes committed by Mestizos and Blacks against Whites, and fictionalizes them by reversing the races of the perpetrators and victims? Could it have anything to do with the ethnic makeup of TV network executives? (13 minutes)

• Until parents complained, one public elementary school actually required its students to recite an almost illiterate “poem” praising both Obama and basketball as if they were somehow sacred. (49 minutes)

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