Liberty Net: June 11, 2014


by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE LIBERTY NET is an amateur radio institution — on the air since 1974 — devoted to a free exchange of information and ideas, now with sessions on both Saturday and Wednesday nights at 10PM Eastern Time.

Listen: Liberty Net 6/11″]

Here’s a small selection of some of the items brought up and debated this week on the Liberty Net:

• In Chicago, the theme of this year’s prom at Paul Robeson High School was “This Is Are Story,” and that’s exactly what all the graphics and invitations stated in prominent, large letters, complete with the “alternative Ebonic” spelling. (2 minutes)

• Speaking of the African-run Chicago public school system, some 40 per cent. of high school freshmen there do not graduate, despite insanely huge grade inflation, and fully 91 per cent. of those who do graduate have to take remedial courses because they have not mastered basic math and other subjects. The average — mind you, just the average — teacher in the Chicago Public Schools makes $76,000 a year plus a very generous benefit package. (4 minutes)

• To be fair to the Chicago schools, though, we must report that almost every student there was very familiar with the terms kilo, gram, and ounce, and the differences in meaning between them. (9 minutes)

• It was delightful to see neocon warmonger change agent “conservative” Eric Cantor, a leading advocate of open borders, lose his seat in Congress. Whether his replacement is really an opponent of the oligarchs or not, we will have to wait to see. (15 minutes)

• When the Jewish state’s city of Tel Aviv decided to officially celebrate homosexuality, the Washington regime’s embassy there obediently flew a “rainbow flag” just below its 50-star banner. (19 minutes)

Remember, you can actually participate live in these Liberty Net discussions by checking in Saturday nights at 10 pm Eastern Time, somewhere above 3950 kHz on the 75 meter ’phone band, or by logging on to one of the live streams right here at or at N2SAG’s Ustream page, linked in the left column of our site. And don’t forget the Midweek Liberty Net on Wednesday night, and the Survival Net on Sunday night, all at 10PM. See you on the air!

Listen: Liberty Net 6/11″]