Liberty Net: October 15, 2011

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THERE ARE MANY NEW stations checking into the Liberty Net these days, so the word is definitely getting out. Temporarily, though, one of the net’s biggest signals and most knowledgeable participants, Al, N2SAG, is off the air. We all wish him well as he transitions to a new station setup, and look forward to his speedy return to the net.

Listen: Liberty Net 10/15″]

Here are some of the concepts discussed and debated this week on amateur radio’s longest-running discussion (as opposed to traffic, or mere rag-chewing) net, on the air since 1974:

• The Washington regime is now sending combat troops into the Hell that is Uganda — supposedly to kill the warlords behind the so-called “Lord’s Resistance Army.” Knowing the history and demographics of the region, the opposition is likely little better, if at all. (19 minutes)

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