by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO
MARTY, N2IRJ has been rebuilding his amateur station and the results so far are shown in the pictures above. On the desktop, we see the display monitor showing us the control panel of PowerSDR, the program that controls Marty’s Flex 5000A software-defined transceiver. To the left, on top of the rack, we see an Ameritron solid state linear amplifier. In the rack itself are a multiband audio compressor at the top, a large Dorrough loudness meter to keep track of the microphone and Liberty Net phone patch levels feeding the gear, a peak limiter for final peak control both over the air and on the streaming audio feed, and a Behringer audio mixer which controls the feeds to and from the Internet, the phone patch, and the transceiver itself.
Listen: Liberty Net 7/20″]
Now here’s a small sample of the issues debated on the Liberty Net this time:
• Why have major banks lent money to bankrupt, Third World Detroit? Is it the prospect of making its residents (and all taxpayers) even more into eternal debt-slaves than they already are? (13 minutes)
• When Detroit initially filed for bankruptcy, a judge held up the filing for a time on the bizarre grounds that bankruptcy would “not honor the President of the United States.” Huh? (22 minutes)