Liberty Net: December 25, 2010

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE YULETIDE EDITION of the Liberty Net was an informal one, as the whole net was run in the friendly roundtable mode. The heavens blessed the net, too — at least as far as propagation was concerned!

[wpaudio url=”,%20Saturday%20%20%204h%2028m%2001s%20%20%20Source%20%20N2IRJ.mp3″ text=”Listen: 12/25 Liberty Net”]

Here’s a small sample of the issues discussed on this week’s session of amateur radio’s most significant net:

• All sane and ethical people want to protect the environment, but that’s no excuse for empowering Washington criminals to be our eco-dictators. Now the criminals have decided to ban incandescent lamps for all area lighting. This means that those who need true color rendition, or those for whom the lack of a true white spectrum can negatively affect their mood, or those with failing eyesight will simply be out of luck. (15 minutes)

• The Atkinson Cycle engine bids fair to increase the city gas mileage of hybrid vehicles to an honest 40 miles per gallon. (25 minutes)

• Why is the FCC granting waivers permitting vastly increased HF noise pollution from new RF-excited CFL bulbs? (35 minutes)

• The biggest problem faced by our civilization is demographic. Whites, who alone have the creative intelligence, character, and desire to maintain and advance that civilization, are going extinct and are being replaced by more primitive peoples. We all know what is happening in America in that regard — but did you know that 50 per cent. of the children now being born in the Netherlands are of non-White Muslim background? (43 minutes)

• When Deutsche Bank AG was fined in the US for fraud so severe that the penalty was over 500 million dollars (and other banks have paid such fines too), why are there no criminal charges? Why is no one arrested? It’s beginning to look like the Washington regime profits a bit too handsomely from financial crime — and has its reasons for coddling the fraudsters. (56 minutes)

• Why is it that an alleged “peace” president approves of the largest military budget in decades, and continues the murderous wars of aggression that he promised to stop? (1 hour 12 minutes)

• The Mexican invasion of New Jersey is so bad, and home invasions so common, that the Jackson County police have mass-dialed home owners in that county, warning them of the danger and urging those going on holiday trips to make it look like their homes are occupied. Only 20 years ago, when the area was nearly all White, people routinely left their cars and homes unlocked, and crime was very low. (1 hour 30 minutes)

Thanks to Marty, N2IRJ, you’re able to listen to the Liberty Net on your computer — or download the file and listen on your portable mp3 player. And Al, N2SAG operates a live feed and chat during Net times that lets you make an end run around jammers and a fickle ionosphere.

Join in or listen to the most exciting net on the amateur bands every Saturday night, starting at 10PM Eastern Time.

Our deepest thanks go to W1WCR for his hard work and courage in running the Liberty Net, which is now entering its 37th year.

[wpaudio url=”,%20Saturday%20%20%204h%2028m%2001s%20%20%20Source%20%20N2IRJ.mp3″ text=”Listen: 12/25 Liberty Net”]