Liberty Net: February 16, 2013

Liberty Net - listen and learn reel-to-reel tape

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

LEARNING IS FUN when it involves interacting with the friendly folks on the Liberty Net, amateur radio’s longest-running current events discussion net. Why not add your voice by checking in this Saturday night? Challenge a premise today!

Listen: Liberty Net 2/16″]

Here are just a few of the hundreds of ideas brought up on the net this week:

• The recent incredibly close asteroid fly-by and the meteorite impact in Russia show beyond doubt the urgent need to increase our intelligence so we have a chance of preventing the inevitable future, much larger, cosmic encounters from wiping us out. Unfortunately, the “equality” religion, dysgenic breeding, and mass Third World immigration are instead decreasing our intelligence with each passing generation. (8 minutes)

• One of the things that the CIA and Mossad and the like do to destabilize “enemy” countries is to do everything they can to increase “diversity” there: Increasing the numbers and power of “minorities” makes a country weak, makes unity impossible, and may even lead to collapse or genocide. “Diversity” is literally a weapon of war. Now consider what is being done to the United States. (14 minutes)

• Opposing non-White immigration into our countries doesn’t at all mean one dislikes or “hates” non-White people — that’s ridiculous. Such “hate” is mainly non-existent, a media stereotype designed to intimidate us into silence while the oligarchs commit genocide against us. (23 minutes)

• It should tell you something about the billionaire oligarchs when you see the mega-corporations they own falling all over themselves to force the Boy Scouts to accept homosexuals. (32 minutes)

• What is the meaning of the controlled media’s current obsession with Abraham Lincoln? Is a war coming in which invoking Lincoln’s image would be useful to gin up the boobs for the slaughter? (51 minutes)

• A society without freedom of association is an unfree society. Freedom of association — which necessarily includes the right not to associate — is a basic and necessary freedom, and it has been purposely been taken away from us. (54 minutes)

• Depending on the Supreme Court to void the millions of unconstitutional laws is like depending on Lenin to fight Communism. (59 minutes)

• The minions of the regime in Washington definitely don’t deserve the magnificent sculpture and architecture that surrounds them. (1 hour 2 minutes)

Thanks to Marty, N2IRJ, you’re able to listen to the Liberty Net on your computer — or download the file and listen on your portable mp3 player. And he and Al, N2SAG, operate live feeds and chats during Net times (see the links in the left column of this page) that let you make an end run around jammers and a fickle ionosphere.

Please check in with your call sign, and add your voice to the most exciting net on the amateur bands — every Saturday night, starting at 10PM Eastern Time. The frequency varies to avoid causing interference, but is almost always somewhere above 3950 kHz LSB, quite often on 3983.

Our deepest thanks go to W1WCR for his hard work and courage in running the Liberty Net, which is now in its 39th year.

Listen: Liberty Net 2/16″]