Liberty Net: March 24, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

WHEN THE LIBERTY NET begins, people listen — on 75 meters direct, or via N2IRJ’s — or N2SAG’s — or my receiver on one of the net’s live feed pages. Although most listeners and participants are in the US, the net has an international reach and reputation.

Listen: Liberty Net 3/24″]

Here are some of the issues discussed and debated during this week’s Liberty Net:

• Greg Smith, an account executive with Goldman Sachs, recently resigned and published an open letter confessing the unbelievably crooked practices of his former firm — typical of the bankers, who feed like vultures on the rest of us. (3 minutes)

• On March 16, the Washington regime issued an outrageously unconstitutional “Executive Order” claiming the power to seize anyone’s property at any time, with no reason being given. (6 minutes)

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Liberty Net: March 17, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THIS WEEK I want to give a special thanks to all those of you who have contributed to the discussions on the Liberty Net over these many years — both those of you who have been on the net for decades, and the many new check-ins we’ve welcomed in recent months — both those who talk to us over the air, and those who offer their views via our chat rooms or via email, letter, or telephone calls. All of you are what make the Liberty Net what it is.

Listen: Liberty Net 3/17″]

Here are some of the ideas brought to light during this week’s Liberty Net:

• Why can Eric Holder and those under him openly commit criminal acts — as they did in the so-called “Fast and Furious” gun-running program — for which anyone else would be thrown in jail, and yet not even be charged? (8 minutes)

• The banks in Europe just created the largest amount of money in any one day in history, though they called it an “injection of liquidity.” Why is this momentous event not making headlines? Could an analysis of media ownership provide the answer? (9 minutes)

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