Liberty Net: March 2, 2013

To win, abandon the system

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE PUBLISHER of a disaster preparation handbook checked into the Liberty Net this week to get information on the net’s operations for inclusion in his book — stating that in a disaster situation the net might be the only way for some people to get accurate information. We appreciate the interest — keep on spreading the word!

Listen: Liberty Net 3/2″]

Here’s a selection of some of the commentary and questions put forth during this week’s Liberty Net session:

• Cheap-labor-exploiting Republicans and banker-owned Democrats are united in demanding the legalization of the Mestizo invasion of the United States — and whenever these gangs of criminals are united, you know it’s bad for us. (15 minutes)

• The doctrine of human equality is a preposterous — and murderous — doctrine, and absolutely incompatible with freedom and self-determination. It truly is as Richard Cotten once said: “Free men are not equal; and equal men are not free.” (31 minutes)

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