Liberty Net: April 5, 2014


by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

SINCE THE 75 METER band seems to be getting more and more traffic around 3995 kHz LSB, where the Liberty Net normally congregates, it would be helpful if some net participants could show up an hour or so early and start a QSO when the frequency is clear and open — and then turn it over to the Net Control Station (NCS) at the appointed time.

Listen: Liberty Net 4/5″]

Here are just a few of the topics brought to light during the net this week:

• The Washington regime’s phony “investment” plan, MyRA, is predicted to be an abject failure. And that’s no surprise: The instrument forces the suckers to invest in government bonds with an effective negative rate of return, plus a tax obligation. (34 minutes)

• With new shortwave receivers being sold and developed constantly, is it not odd that so many shortwave broadcasters are being shut down, dismantled, or mothballed, with the excuse being a declining audience? (50 minutes)

• Very few people are signing up for the “Obamacare” turkey, and signup rates are especially low for young adults — the relatively healthy group targeted as the main suckers, who were expected to largely fund the scam. (1 hour 15 minutes)

• Marine LePen’s Front National has been making amazing gains in France in recent elections, giving a real scare to the anti-nationalist oligarchs. (1 hour 23 minutes)

• So-called Obamacare was written by lawyers working for insurance companies, drug companies, and health care conglomerates. Like almost everything else emanating from the regime in Washington, it combines all the worst characteristics of uncaring monopolistic capitalism and uncaring dictatorial bureaucracy. (1 hour 44 minutes)

• One of the regime’s military drone aircraft recently crashed just outside an elementary school in Lebanon County, Pennsylvania. It was declared a total loss (how sad!) after being run over a few seconds after impact. Guess this particular drone won’t be used to murder innocent people any more. (1 hour 53 minutes)

• Solar panels and related equipment are getting more and more economical these days, and the number of totally off-the-grid amateur radio stations is increasing. (2 hours 8 minutes)

• Many hospitals encourage patients to sign “advance directives” which give only two choices: “Do not resuscitate” and “Food and water only.” Why not a third option, saying to use all available technology, including technology approved by the patient or his family but not necessarily approved by the insurance companies or the government? (2 hours 18 minutes)

The Liberty Net — amateur radio’s longest-running current events discussion net — is on the air every Saturday night at 10PM Eastern Time on the high side of 75 meter SSB (quite often 3995 kHz these days). You might have to tune around, but we’re not hard to find. And don’t forget the Survival Net on Sundays and the Midweek Liberty Net on Wednesdays, all at 10 Eastern.

Remember, thanks to our multiple audio feeds, you’re likely to be nearly interference-free! And, as always, you can download the net recording right here at and listen whenever you like.

Listen: Liberty Net 4/5″]