Liberty Net: September 10, 2016

liberty-net-experimental-radioby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

AS FALL APPROACHES, the static on 75 meters starts to go down and far-sighted hams start thinking about improving their antenna systems in the cool — but not yet cold — outdoor weather. Falling leaves often signify rising signals!

Listen: Liberty Net 9/10″]

Thanks to Marty, N2IRJ, for filling in as Net Control Station when Vic, W1WCR was attending this year’s Oktoberfest.

Here’s a brief selection taken from among the topics brought up on the net, along with my take on them:

• These days, if you buy a John Deere, an RCA, or sometimes even a Cadillac, you’re just getting a cheaply-made Asian product with a venerable old American nameplate slapped on it just before the inflated price sticker (of about ten times the item’s true value) is attached. In so many ways, America is just a shell of its former self. Soon we won’t be able to pretend anymore. (11 minutes)

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Liberty Net: April 7, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

DO YOU HAVE an idea that you’d like to share with other intelligent, thoughtful radio amateurs in a free, uncensored setting? Why not check in to the Liberty Net? If you can’t check in because you’re temporarily off the air, send a message to us via the contact form at and we’ll pass it along to Marty, N2IRJ, who runs a lively phone patch during the net each week.

Listen: Liberty Net 4/7″]

Here are some of the interesting ideas brought up during this week’s session of the net:

• Obama’s press secretary Jay Carney recently explained that what many people see as lies, evasions, and perjury by the regime’s figurehead are simply his “speaking in shorthand,” adding that, after all, “he is a law professor.” (24 minutes)

• Sanford, Florida, where the George Zimmerman – Trayvon Martin altercation occurred, is a very “diverse” place which is listed in the bottom three per cent. of places to live based on safety.  (27 minutes)

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Liberty Net: March 31, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

IONOSPHERIC CONDITIONS were turbulent and static levels were Summer-like in their intensity this week, but the efficient antennas of the Liberty Net’s keystone stations made the dialogue as interesting and lively as ever. On the air since 1974, the Liberty Net is amateur radio’s oldest current events discussion net.

Listen: Liberty Net 3/31″]

Here are some of the issues discussed and debated during this week’s Liberty Net:

• The Africanization of American life is reaching Idiocratic proportions: Illinois state representative Bobby Rush recently wore a “hoodie” to the legislative chamber and complained loudly about the shooting of Trayvon Martin in faraway Florida, while at the same time there were some 13 shootings in his own district, with two confirmed dead so far. (18 minutes)

• A young White boy in Missouri was recently attacked by a gang of Black thugs who poured gasoline on him and set him afire, all the while screaming racial abuse at him. Yet we hear nothing from Obama, nothing from Eric Holder, and nothing from the billionaires’ media on that crime. (25 minutes)

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