Liberty Net: September 10, 2016

liberty-net-experimental-radioby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

AS FALL APPROACHES, the static on 75 meters starts to go down and far-sighted hams start thinking about improving their antenna systems in the cool — but not yet cold — outdoor weather. Falling leaves often signify rising signals!

Listen: Liberty Net 9/10″]

Thanks to Marty, N2IRJ, for filling in as Net Control Station when Vic, W1WCR was attending this year’s Oktoberfest.

Here’s a brief selection taken from among the topics brought up on the net, along with my take on them:

• These days, if you buy a John Deere, an RCA, or sometimes even a Cadillac, you’re just getting a cheaply-made Asian product with a venerable old American nameplate slapped on it just before the inflated price sticker (of about ten times the item’s true value) is attached. In so many ways, America is just a shell of its former self. Soon we won’t be able to pretend anymore. (11 minutes)

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Liberty Net: May 21, 2016

Liberty-Net---peak-power-meterby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

SOME READERS have asked for more details about N2IRJ’s transmitting antenna system — which provides a very effective signal from Marty’s QTH in Jackson, New Jersey. As I mentioned before, it is a Pyramid antenna designed by me, and consists of two inverted V antennas at right angles to each other fed from the same feedline, up about 45 to 50 feet at the apex and over 20 feet on each end. With one of the inverted V elements resonant at around 3600 kHz and the other resonant at about 3900 kHz, the antenna is not only efficient but covers the entire 75 meter and 80 meter band without requiring an antenna tuner. Even Marty’s SWR-sensitive solid state finals have no problem working into the under 2-to-1 load. This makes it easy to instantly answer a call or join a QSO as soon as you hear it.

Listen: Liberty Net 5/21″]

Here is my commentary on a few items selected from the topics mentioned on the Liberty Net this session:

• The enemies of White culture and heritage have now managed to push through a new pretended law forbidding the display of Confederate flags — a legitimate part of American history — on the graves of fallen soldiers. Some believe we should start regarding all of the legislation of the so-called US Congress as illegal, pretended laws. (1 hour 28 minutes)

• There’s a new Web site available online that was set up to accurately document the large number of hoax “hate crimes” that have been perpetrated in order to get sympathy, money, defame White people, or cover up crimes: (1 hour 37 minutes)

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Liberty Net: April 16, 2016

Liberty-Net---streaming-radio-playerby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

HERE COMES the thunderstorm static as warm weather spreads across the continent — so make sure that your antenna is efficient and that you have the ability to run plenty of power to get through when necessary!

Listen: Liberty Net 4/16″]

Here’s my choice from among the topics discussed on this week’s Liberty Net, along with my comments:

• Saudi Arabia is threatening to dump its substantial US dollar and US securities investments on the market if a certain bill passes that would initiate a serious investigation of that country’s role in the 9/11 attacks. Such a dumping might have a beneficial effect in the long term, since pension funds and others would be able to buy up high quality securities for pennies on the dollar in the short term. (18 minutes)

• One reason for the fanatical establishment opposition to Trump may be the candidate’s promise to hold a new and more honest investigation into 9/11. (43 minutes)

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Liberty Net: September 24, 2011

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE FIRST AUTUMN SESSION of the Liberty Net showed the promise of good propagation, low noise, and fine comradeship coupled with the free exchange of ideas that can remake our world.

Listen: Liberty Net 9/24″]

Here are some of the ideas debated this week on amateur radio’s longest-running discussion net:

• Why is there a near-total corporate media blackout on the Occupy Wall Street protests now going on? Could it be because both Left and Right have figured out where the real problem lies? (14 minutes)

• Is the near-immobility of 401K funds — you can’t quickly switch out of a falling stock in a few seconds, like you can in a self-directed IRA — something that was purposely designed into the system? (33 minutes)

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Liberty Net: September 17, 2011

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE LIBERTY NET seems to get several new check-ins every week — so, even when regular participants are away temporarily, the discussions nevertheless continue to grow in breadth and depth. From economics and demographics to history and health, free thought reigns supreme — so please check in and add your voice to the exchange!

Listen: Liberty Net 9/17″]

Here are some of the ideas discussed this time on amateur radio’s most exciting net:

• More and more voices are calling for a new 9/11 investigation, and almost no intelligent person fully accepts the official story. But when a long-time Establishment hack like Bob Graham joins the call, one has to wonder — has he had an attack of conscience? — or does someone want to control and divert any new inquiry? (28 minutes)

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Liberty Net: September 10, 2011

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE LIBERTY NET actually took place on 3950 kHz this time — for the first time in several years — and, ironically, this happened on the night we received the news of the death of one of the most egregious jammers in amateur radio history, WA9KJI. The discussions didn’t focus on negativity, though, and the ideas presented were original, wide-ranging, and at turns philosophical, political, and humorous.

Listen: Liberty Net 9/10″]

Here are some of the concepts brought forth and issues debated on amateur radio’s historic Liberty Net this week:

• The latest “stimulus” bill has nothing to do with boosting the economy, and everything to do with ruling by decree: No one will even be able to read the complete text of this pretended law until after it is passed. (44 minutes)

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Liberty Net: September 11, 2010

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE ISLAMIFICATION of America and Europe was a major subject on the Liberty Net on the ninth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. There was quite a bit of disagreement and debate on the subject, which made for very interesting listening.

[wpaudio url=”,%20Saturday%20%20%205h%2016m%2004s%20%20%20Source%20%20N2IRJ.mp3″ text=”Listen to or download the Liberty Net recorded September 11″]

Here’s a small selection of of the subjects brought up this week on amateur radio’s longest-running discussion net:

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Liberty Net: July 17, 2010

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE LIBERTY NET is one place on the radio dial where there are no government or commercial “gatekeepers” — and it’s a place where thoughtful and intelligent people are drawn — and therefore it’s one of the most informative and thought-provoking information sources anywhere.

Listen to or download the Liberty Net recorded July 17″]

Here are a few of this week’s topics:

• New York governor Patterson is apparently under attack by evil forces, because he’s decided to wear a “Kabballah bracelet” to ward them off. (The “Kabballah” is a form of medieval Jewish witchcraft that is enjoying a renaissance among the thoughtlessly trendy.) (38 minutes)

• Some prankster has arranged it so that if you enter “illuminati” spelled backwards, and add dot com, into your Internet browser, you will be redirected to the Web site of the National Security Agency. (42 minutes)

• Barack Obama is not an idiot, no matter how harmful his policies appear to be to his constituency: He is the quintessential blackmailable front man for the money power, with a “minority” cachet to provide a means to dehumanize any serious critics as “racists.” In this role he performs brilliantly. (1 hour 9 minutes)

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Liberty Net for Week of February 6-13

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THIS WEEK the longest-running current events discussion net on Amateur Radio, the weekly Liberty Net, took place on its 3950 kHz LSB nominal frequency — though most weeks, interference, some of it intentional, forces the Net to be frequency-agile, usually within 10 kHz or less. Here are a few highlights from the free-swinging discussions that took place:

Listen to or download this week’s Liberty Net”]

• Obama has now publicly stated that Americans “should not be questioning” his citizenship. (25 minutes)

• Armed Haitian gangs continue to terrorize the island, including one attack on a UN aid convoy. Similar attacks take place regularly in sub-Saharan Africa and in areas of the U.S. where Haitians have immigrated in significant numbers. Also, cock-fighting and Voodoo remain strong presences on the island, as is the folk belief in the “Loup garou,” the possessed who kidnap and eat children; many accused of being “Loup garous” have been killed. (In France, the “Loup garou” is an old myth, like vampires are to us — but millions of Haitians not only believe in such things, but kill to “protect themselves” from them.) (27 minutes)

• Why did the power structure which got the boobs whipped up to pull the levers for Obama pick such a person, whose background and even citizenship is highly questionable? Answer: he is blackmailable. The power structure always wants a back-door way to get rid of its puppets in case they get out of control, and Obama is no exception. (52 minutes)

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