Liberty Net: June 4, 2016

Liberty-Net---300B-triode-tubeby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE LIBERTY Net and Midweek Liberty Net and Survival Net are cooperative, community ventures run by volunteers. When one Net Control Station can’t be there, another steps in so the Net continues. On those very rare occasions when no NCS volunteer is available, an informal net usually takes place spontaneously anyway. In every case, valuable information is shared and community is built. Join us and enjoy the fun and sharing soon!

Listen: Liberty Net 6/4″]

Here are a few of the topics brought up on this week’s Liberty Net, along with my comments:

• A good medium-distance 75 meter propagation beacon for those in the eastern part of North America is Navy station NAM, running 850-Hz shift encrypted RTTY centered on 4005 kHz. The station is one of the earliest utility stations, dating from the 1920s, and is located near Norfolk, Virginia. It’s on for most of the evening every day. (11 minutes)

• It’s good to see more and more realism about American history — such as substituting the term “War of Northern Aggression” for “Civil War” when discussing the 1861-1865 fratricidal conflict. (22 minutes)

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Liberty Net: July 17, 2010

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE LIBERTY NET is one place on the radio dial where there are no government or commercial “gatekeepers” — and it’s a place where thoughtful and intelligent people are drawn — and therefore it’s one of the most informative and thought-provoking information sources anywhere.

Listen to or download the Liberty Net recorded July 17″]

Here are a few of this week’s topics:

• New York governor Patterson is apparently under attack by evil forces, because he’s decided to wear a “Kabballah bracelet” to ward them off. (The “Kabballah” is a form of medieval Jewish witchcraft that is enjoying a renaissance among the thoughtlessly trendy.) (38 minutes)

• Some prankster has arranged it so that if you enter “illuminati” spelled backwards, and add dot com, into your Internet browser, you will be redirected to the Web site of the National Security Agency. (42 minutes)

• Barack Obama is not an idiot, no matter how harmful his policies appear to be to his constituency: He is the quintessential blackmailable front man for the money power, with a “minority” cachet to provide a means to dehumanize any serious critics as “racists.” In this role he performs brilliantly. (1 hour 9 minutes)

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