Liberty Net: December 24, 2011

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

WE BEGIN the New Year with the test of a new ad-free audio feed and chat room which will be live during the next Liberty Net — please check it out at:

Before the net begins, and after the net is over, we’ll be sending Liberty Net recordings and other tests on the audio feed, so feel free to try out the new page and learn how to use it. As always, here’s the archived recording too:

Listen: Liberty Net 12/24″]

Here’s a tiny selection of some of the ideas brought up during this week’s Liberty Net discussion:

• Why has there been a huge explosion of the population of disease-bearing ticks in northern New England? The epidemic is spreading Lyme Disease in humans and is causing a mass die-off of moose, some of which are literally carrying more than 100,000 ticks each, which essentially immobilizes them before they die. (21 minutes)

• Now that Ron Paul’s frontrunner status has become too obvious to ignore, the banker-owned media have brought out their dirty tricks to smear him. Their current tactic is to make him appear “racist” or “extremist” because he has occasionally told the truth about freedom of association and other “radical” things. (38 minutes)

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Liberty Net: March 5, 2011

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

CONDITIONS WERE EXCELLENT for the first March session of the Liberty Net this week, and a wide variety of views were presented, sometimes passionately, on subjects as disparate as the union conflicts in the Midwest and animal rights.

[wpaudio url=”,%20Saturday%20%20%205h%2055m%2059s%20%20%20Source%20%20N2IRJ.mp3″ text=”Listen: Liberty Net 3/5″]

Here’s a sampling of what’s on this week’s recording:

• A sane and representative government would rescind NAFTA and other “free trade” agreements which force our workers to compete with slave-labor Third World peons. Instead, though, such agreements are being aggressively expanded. (48 minutes)

• Why are some jurisdictions outlawing all photography of police activities? What are they trying to hide? Isn’t photography — and the publication of said photography — protected by the First Amendment? (1 hour 45 minutes)

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