by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO
ONE OF THE things that makes the Liberty Net unique is the ability to experience not only the ideas of those who participate, as one might by reading a blog posting or online forum, but also get a feel for the character and feelings of the man or woman who’s speaking by hearing his or her voice when interacting with others. It’s the most immersive social network you’re likely to find — and it’s very educational, too.
Listen: Liberty Net 8/23″]
Here is a selection of the ideas brought forth during this week’s Liberty Net:
• The Ivory Coast, along with South Africa, Liberia, Guinea, and other African countries have closed their borders in an effort to stop the spread of the Ebola virus. If they can do it, why can’t we? (14 minutes)
• One of the reasons US police departments are becoming so thuggish and militarized is the police “training” and “cooperation” agreements the Washington regime has signed with Israel, whose treatment of the Palestinians is known for its ferocity and brutality. (24 minutes)