Liberty Net: July 31, 2010

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

CONDITIONS were excellent this week on the Liberty Net, and so were the conversations. Check-ins spanned the entire eastern half of North America. Here are just a few of the highlights from this week’s most exciting net on the amateur radio bands:

Download or listen to the Liberty Net recorded July 31″]

• Obama made a recent statement on “The View” that most Blacks in America are “mongrels.” If a White person had made such a statement, the media would have gone into overdrive and there likely would have been rioting in the streets. (12 minutes)

• Maxine Waters can be properly described as the Communist representative from California, now that she has openly stated that all businesses should be seized by the government. (24 minutes)

• Why are the bank failure announcements always made late on Friday? — in hopes that they will no longer be “news” by Monday? So far, despite the “happy talk” from the regime in Washington, the bank failure rate is almost twice as high this year than in 2009. (26 minutes)

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Liberty Net: June 26, 2010

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

SOME VERY DEEP analysis of world events was heard this week on amateur radio’s most exciting net, the Liberty Net — along with strong dissenting views. Intentional interference was almost entirely absent, as the jammer identified during the last net session has apparently slunk away in shame.

[wpaudio url=”,%20Saturday%20%20%205h%2016m%2000s%20%20%20Source%20%20N2IRJ.mp3″ text=”Listen to or download the Liberty Net recorded June 26″]

Here is a small sampling of what you’ll hear on this week’s recording (the times given are when the subject was brought up, timed from the beginning of the recording):

• An 86-year-old woman was recently tasered in her bed by a police-uniformed thug who didn’t like her “attitude.” Is such evil a consequence of the brutalization of our young men, caused by ordering them to commit atrocities in the Middle East? (3 hours 50 minutes)

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Liberty Net: June 12, 2010

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

W1WCR’s new antenna — a 165-foot doublet held up by 100-foot pine trees — provided even more intense signals than usual for this week’s session of the Liberty Net.

Conversations on the historic current events discussion net ranged from the hidden aspects of politics to spy numbers stations to shortwave radio propagation and the mysteries of women.

[wpaudio url=”,%20Saturday%20%20%206h%2012m%2050s%20%20%20Source%20%20N2IRJ.mp3″ text=”Listen to or download this week’s Liberty Net recorded June 12″]

Here is a small sampling of what you’ll hear on this week’s recording:

• New York City schools have come up with an innovative way to close the “racial achievement gap” — they simply give partial credit for wrong answers. (2 hours 44 minutes)

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Liberty Net for Week of April 10-17

Our ancestors sought to "secure the blessings of Liberty" for their descendants. They did not have the illusion, common today, that widely divergent peoples could practice, desire, or even understand freedom.

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

PROPAGATION for this week’s Liberty Net began well but went very long later in the evening, making some normally big signals fade — but N2IRJ’s low-noise antenna brought most participants’ signals in with good intelligibility nevertheless. The Liberty Net — one of the oldest and certainly the most exciting net in amateur radio — is on the air every Saturday night at 10PM Eastern Time on (or near, within roughly 10 kHz) 3950 kHz.

Listen to or download this week’s Liberty Net”]

Here is just a tiny sample of the highlights from this week’s edition of the longest-running discussion net in amateur radio:

• Was the entire Polish government killed because they weren’t going along with the New World Order boys? (6 minutes)

• Obama was soundly booed when he threw baseball’s ceremonial “first pitch” this week. (21 minutes)

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