Liberty Net: August 31, 2013


by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

WITH YET ANOTHER war for Israel (with the banks and their megacorporations profiting hugely on the side) on the horizon, these are times when it is more important than ever to get, and spread, uncensored information that the mass media’s gatekeepers don’t want us to know — and one way to do that is to check in, listen, debate, and share on amateur radio’s longest-running current events discussion net, the Liberty Net.

Listen: Liberty Net 8/31″]

Here are just a few of the concepts discussed on the Liberty Net this time:

• The fact that a substantial number of hominids on American soil actually believe “we must take action” because the Usual Suspects claim some Middle Eastern government used gas during a war indicates little more than that said hominids are brain dead and should never have been given the franchise. (17 minutes)

• The paucity of information about the “gas attack” is most telling. Even the type of gas is kept from us — if its name were to be revealed, it would almost certainly “make tracks” to a “wrong” country; that is, to Israel, the Washington regime, or some part of their unholy coalition. (24 minutes)

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Liberty Net: June 15, 2013


by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE LIBERTY NET is a spontaneous cultural phenomenon. Beholden to no commercial or political entity, it is a natural, voluntary community of communicators who see a need to share the truth as they see it. One factor that unites net participants — and there are many — is a deep and justified skepticism about pronouncements from governments and from the billionaires’ media outlets.

Liberty Net – 2013-0615″]

Here’s a small selection of the issues brought up for debate on the Liberty Net this time:

• The Washington regime’s “law enforcement” agencies are now totally politicized: Witness the IRS persecution of political dissidents, and the total lack of proper investigation and prosecution of the criminal IRS bureaucrats. This, however, is just the tip of the iceberg — the FBI, CIA, JTTF, HSA, and NSA (among others) are all intensely politicized and relentlessly engage in illegal acts against dissidents. They are no longer legitimate or legal. (14 minutes)

• David Hunt and John Bolton are both wildly over-the-top “consulting warmongers” for Fox News. They never met a war they didn’t like. But suddenly, for the first time in a decade, they are getting cold feet about incinerating more Arabs. What’s going on? Has Vladimir Putin put something on the table that has made the DC regime and its sycophants very, very afraid? (21 minutes)

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Liberty Net: June 2, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

WHEN SMALL MINDS encounter open, reasoning minds, the result is often that the small minds attempt censorship. But the “gatekeeping” of editors — and the ADL/SPLC pressure on businesses and other entities — don’t mean much on the amateur radio airwaves. So the small minds are limited to (illegally) transmitting rude noises and the like in a futile attempt to stop communications on the Liberty Net. I say futile because many of the linchpin stations of the net have very substantial signals, and participants are able to hear at least two online streams of the net via N2SAG and N2IRJ (just follow the ‘Liberty Net live’ links in the left column of this site) in addition to their own receivers.

Listen: Liberty Net 6/2″]

Here are some excerpts from the debates and discussions that took place this week:

• Now that it’s finally been admitted that the Stuxnet virus was created by Israeli and “US” intelligence to purposely cause a nuclear disaster in Iran, how long will it be before that virus’s role in Fukushima will be acknowledged? A new, even more invasive virus called Flame has also been created by the same culprits. Don’t such attacks constitute acts of war? (25 minutes)

• The media’s blackout on Ron Paul’s victories — he won the state of Maine recently — is near total. For some reason or other, the media owners want to hide the fact that Paul has repeatedly garnered more delegates than the establishment shills, even after shill number one was declared “the victor.” (47 minutes)

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