Liberty Net: September 11, 2010

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE ISLAMIFICATION of America and Europe was a major subject on the Liberty Net on the ninth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. There was quite a bit of disagreement and debate on the subject, which made for very interesting listening.

[wpaudio url=”,%20Saturday%20%20%205h%2016m%2004s%20%20%20Source%20%20N2IRJ.mp3″ text=”Listen to or download the Liberty Net recorded September 11″]

Here’s a small selection of of the subjects brought up this week on amateur radio’s longest-running discussion net:

• Clearly Americans and Christians are being agitated to feel anger towards Islam, and the converse is also true. What we should ask ourselves is this: What third group, also Middle Eastern-derived, benefits from all this conflict? (52 minutes)

• If burning a Koran is “protected speech” expressing outrage at the imposition of alien values, would burning a Talmud also be protected — and appropriate? (53 minutes)

• When the media masters show us images of American “rednecks” burning a Koran, or Muslim “jihadists” burning an American flag, they tap into a deep, instinctual, primitive part of the brain that makes us want to lash out in anger at our “opponent.” Perhaps the ethnically-distinct media billionaires are the real Opponent. (59 minutes)

• It’s a lie that the Iraq War is over. Renaming the units and the mission to benign-sounding names doesn’t change anything. It’s re-branding, nothing more. And the purpose is to “play” us, so that we’ll accept the next war for Israel that the criminals want to start. (1 hour 3 minutes)

• Islam and Sharia Law may be extremely undesirable for our civilization generally, but maybe they have something when it comes to outlawing usury — which they define strictly enough to totally eliminate the creation of money out of thin air by the banking system. (1 hour 10 minutes)

• Our current money system is untenable and leads to periodic collapses. It is based on the concepts of compound interest and fractional reserve lending. A simple thought experiment will show its unsustainability: Imagine you lend one dollar at five per cent. interest in the year 1, and pass the investment on from generation to generation until today. Use your calculator to figure the value of 1.05 raised to the 2,010th power and you will see that you now are owed more money than has ever existed on the entire planet. (1 hour 14 minutes)

• The average Muslim family has about seven children — while the average White American family has about 1.3 children, far below replacement level. If you extrapolate the numbers just two generations ahead, the Muslims in the US will multiply their numbers to hundreds of millions — while we decrease ours. But we will have become a Muslim caliphate long before that.  (1 hour 19 minutes)

• America has a bizarre and schizophrenic policy on immigration. Case in point: Companies — who are, on the one hand, required to hire only legal residents — can now be fined, and possibly sued by the “Justice Department,” for merely asking potential workers to allow inspection of their green cards. The regime has started calling such requests “document abuse discrimination,” and they have seriously threatened lawsuits over it. The only sane solution is to base citizenship and immigration strictly on race. (1 hour 59 minutes)

• As the election approaches, some multiracialists in Congress have now declared that we must stop using the phrase “throw the bums out” because — they claim — it’s code language for “throw the Blacks out.” (2 hours 3 minutes)

• Black Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee has complained that all the names of hurricanes are “White names” and that “Black names” ought to be included. (2 hours 7 minutes)

Remember that you can receive the Liberty Net on the nearest open frequency to 3950 kHz every Saturday night at 10PM Eastern Time. You can also listen live on the Internet via N2SAG (who also includes a lively chat room during Net hours) or N2IRJ (whose delayed feeds also run throughout the week), or listen at your leisure via the mp3 files posted here at every week.

Once again, thanks to W1WCR and all participants for making this extraordinary net possible.

[wpaudio url=”,%20Saturday%20%20%205h%2016m%2004s%20%20%20Source%20%20N2IRJ.mp3″ text=”Listen to or download the Liberty Net recorded September 11″]

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE ISLAMIFICATION of America and Europe was a major subject

Here’s a small sample of the items discussed this week on amateur
radio’s most exciting net:

• Clearly Americans and Christians are being agitated to feel anger towards Islam, and the converse is also true. What we should ask ourselves is this: What third Middle Eastern-derived group benefits from all this conflict? (52 minutes)

• If burning a Koran is “protected speech” expressing outrage at the imposition of alien values, would burning a Talmud be even more appropriately so? (53 minutes)

• When the media masters show us images of American “rednecks” burning a Koran, or Muslim “jihadists” burning an American flag, they tap into a deep, instinctual part of the brain that makes us want to lash out in anger at our “opponent.” Perhaps the ethnically-distinct media billionaires are the real Opponent. (59 minutes)

• It’s a lie that the Iraq War is over. Renaming the units and the mission to benign-sounding names doesn’t change anything. It’s re-branding, nothing more. And the purpose is to “play” us, so that we’ll accept the _next_ war for Israel that the criminals want to start. (1 hour 3 minutes)

• Islam and Sharia Law may be extremely undesirable for our civilization generally, but maybe they have something when it comes to outlawing usury — which they define strictly enough to totally eliminate the creation of money out of thin air by the banking system. (1 hour 10 minutes)

• Our current money system is untenable and leads to periodic collapses. It is based on the concepts of compound interest on fractional reserve lending. A simple thought experiment will show its unsustainability: Imagine you lend one dollar at five per cent. interest in the year 1, and pass the investment on from generation to generation until today. Use your calculator to figure the value of 1.05 raised to 2,010th power and you will see that you now are owed more money than exists on the entire planet. (1 hour 14 minutes)

• The average Muslim family has about seven children — while the average White American family has about 1.3 children, far below replacement level. If you extrapolate the numbers just two generations ahead, the Muslims in the US will multiply their numbers to hundreds of millions — while we decrease ours. But we will have become a Muslim caliphate long before that.  (1 hour 19 minutes)

• America has an insanely schizophrenic policy on immigration. Case in point: Companies — who are, on the one hand, required to hire only legal residents — can now be fined, and possibly sued by the “Justice Department,” for merely asking potential workers for their green cards. It’s called “document abuse discrimination.” The only sane solution is to base citizenship and immigration on race. (1 hour 59 minutes)

•  (hours minutes)
