by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO
WE WERE all saddened to hear of the death — accelerated by establishment medical and hospice “care” — of Vic, W1WCR’s beloved wife Sue. Our thoughts are with Vic at this difficult time and we hope that he will soon resume his post as Net Control Station (NCS) of the Liberty Net. For a details of this tragedy, listen to the latter part of the August 3, 2014 Survival Net. Expect an article soon detailing Vic’s experiences with the medical system.
Listen: Liberty Net 7/30″]
Here is my small selection of concepts and ideas discussed during this week’s Net:
• When you hear the controlled media wailing about “children killed by gun violence,” remember that 1) guns can kill no one on their own, and 2) a substantial percentage of these “children” are 17-year-old gang-bangers. (17 minutes)
• When you open your borders to the Third World, it won’t be long before you’ll have Third World crime, Third World poverty, Third World disease, and Third World tyranny. (23 minutes)