Liberty Net: January 26, 2013

Liberty Net - Electro Voice

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE LIBERTY NET, now in its 39th year, is the longest-running current events discussion net ever to exist in the Amateur Radio Service. Freely sharing information and ideas that the billionaires’ media censor or distort is the very essence of serving the public interest.

While our main focus is over-the-air communications, we also offer downloads and live feeds via the Internet, including a brand new Ustream feed via Liberty Net “tall ship” station N2SAG. (Stickam, where the N2SAG feed used to reside, has shut down.)

Listen: Liberty Net 1/26″]

Here are a few samples of the events and ideas debated on the Liberty Net this week:

• Many are angry about the recent decision to put women into front-line US combat roles. But consider carefully: Since the Washington regime is the enemy of the American people and of freedom-loving people everywhere, shouldn’t we welcome anything which would weaken its military and would discourage decent Americans from enlisting? (4 minutes)

• Do you think that church groups which bring Third Worlders into the US, and purposely settle them in the few remaining White areas of the country, do so for “humanitarian” reasons? Hell, no: The process is extremely lucrative, with tens of millions in government subsidies doled out to groups that engage in such genocide against us. (9 minutes)

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Liberty Net: January 19, 2013

Liberty Net - clockby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

WHILE MUCH OF North America is buried in a thick mantle of white snow, radio conditions have been as good as travel conditions have been bad. So warm up your radio shack with a crackling pine log and your rig’s glowing tungsten filaments, and travel via the magic of the Kennelly-Heaviside Layer — and share ideas with the new friends you’ll find on amateur radio’s Liberty Net.

Listen: Liberty Net 1/19″]

Here are a few small examples of the ideas discussed on the Liberty Net this week:

• If the alleged lawmakers in Washington and in statehouses throughout the land fail to read and heed the Constitution’s absolute prohibition of even the slightest infringement of the people’s right to defend themselves with arms — even from the police or “US government” troops if necessary — someday they may find themselves arrested and charged by an aroused citizenry. (16 minutes)

• If anyone needs to be disarmed, it should be those who operate — and those who order the operation of — the lethal drones that are being used by the Washington regime to kill innocent children even as we speak. (19 minutes)

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Liberty Net: January 12, 2013

Liberty Net - the truth is out there Telefunken

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE LIBERTY NET is one of the few nets that practice frequency agility, not only as a method of evading interference — but also as a way to avoid causing interference. So, even though the net has been operating on 3983 and 3986 kHz in recent weeks, we might be found anywhere from about 3950 up to 3999 on any given week. Luckily, the Net Control Station, W1WCR, has a distinctly strong signal all over North America and his “call for check-ins” is easily found. So what are you waiting for? Check in this Saturday night!

Listen: Liberty Net 1/12″]

Here is a small sampling of the issues up for debate and discussion on the Liberty Net this session:

• Isn’t it interesting that so many of the gun-grabbers are packing guns themselves — or have heavily armed bodyguards — or are using countless deadly weapons to kill innocent people in foreign countries? (13 minutes)

• Why are the employees of the DC regime — and their union — saying little or nothing about Congress’s illegal seizure of their pension funds? (21 minutes)

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