Liberty Net: January 2, 2016

Liberty-Net---power-tetrodeby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

AS 2016 BEGINS, our civilization faces an existential crisis. May our people awaken to their peril and begin to think in terms of biological, racial survival above all other things. Nothing else can save us. And may the Liberty Net be a vehicle for spreading higher consciousness.

Listen: Liberty Net 1/2″]

Here’s my digest of and commentary on some of the subjects discussed on the net this time:

• If you want to be aware of what’s going on in the world, turn off your television set and start reading the international and alternative media. Here’s a place to start: (16 minutes)

• The “huddled masses” and “wretched refuse” lines which deface the Statue of Liberty were not a part of the original art work given as a gift — to symbolize freedom — from the people of France to the closely related people of the United States. Those lines were added by a subversive Jew who wanted to destroy the European racial character of the United States. The statue was not, is not, and was never intended to be a symbol of immigration — and certainly not immigration of non-Whites, which is what it has been twisted into today. (19 minutes)

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Liberty Net: October 20, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE KENNELLY-HEAVISIDE LAYER was back in fine shape this week and the Liberty Net had a marathon six-hour session as a result, with subjects ranging from the upcoming phony elections to the false flag attack on the Federal Reserve building.

Listen: Liberty Net 10/20″]

Here are a just few samples of what was debated on the net this session:

• Should the Liberty Net schedule an election-night special edition, to monitor for media skulduggery, lies, and possible unreported local fraud, violence, or intimidation? (18 minutes)

• Europe is starting to show signs of life, with the very welcome rise of the Golden Dawn in Greece, Jobbik in Hungary, and now the youth group Generation Identitaire in France. (33 minutes)

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Liberty Net: October 13, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

A SOLAR STORM led to bizarre conditions this week on 75 meters, and some normally dominant Liberty Net stations could not hear each other — while others were even clearer than usual. Despite the ionosphere’s lack of coöperation, the net discussions were as powerful and educational as ever.

Listen: Liberty Net 10/13″]

Here are a few examples of what was brought forward — and debated — on the net this week:

• The major objections to Paul Ryan are not the latest phony “outrages” ballyhooed by the phony media — such as whether or not he was a hypocrite for requesting so-called “stimulus funds” stolen from honest people — but rather the indisputable fact that he is a warmonger and is totally owned by the Zionist lobby. (4 minutes)

• The mass-murdering transnational criminal organization that falsely calls itself the “Federal Government of the United States of America” has now officially declared the Salvadoran-American gang MS-13 to be a “transnational criminal organization.” Pot. Kettle. Black. (13 minutes)

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Liberty Net: March 3, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

N2IRJ’s phone patch was temporarily down this week because of technical issues with Marty’s transceiver — we hope that these problems will soon be resolved — yet participation and exchange of ideas continued on the Liberty Net at a very high level nonetheless. This week also saw some major solar activity, so the next net might feature some interesting 75 meter propagation.

Listen: Liberty Net 3/3″]

Here are just a few of the ideas discussed and debated during this week’s session:

• Russia is positioning itself to prevent the plans of the warmongering oligarchs to start wars in Syria and Iran from coming to fruition. Most recently, Moscow has been helping both countries improve their abilities to detect and defend against attacks. (10 minutes)

• If the regime in Washington were really serious about preventing terror attacks by Muslims, it would end, and then reverse, all Middle Eastern immigration — and would also stop murdering innocent Muslims overseas in its wars for Israel. (13 minutes)

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Liberty Net: February 25, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE LIBERTY NET continues to be much like a modern-day School of Athens, bringing together branches of philosophy and thought — and news about important events — together in a way that no other meeting of the minds can match.

Listen: Liberty Net 2/25″]

Here are some of the subjects that participants discussed during this week’s Liberty Net session:

• Why do you suppose that the network television program Law and Order, which prides itself on stories “ripped from the headlines,” routinely takes accounts of horrific crimes committed by Mestizos and Blacks against Whites, and fictionalizes them by reversing the races of the perpetrators and victims? Could it have anything to do with the ethnic makeup of TV network executives? (13 minutes)

• Until parents complained, one public elementary school actually required its students to recite an almost illiterate “poem” praising both Obama and basketball as if they were somehow sacred. (49 minutes)

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