AMERICA — and the West in general — are at a point of crisis. Paid Soros operatives are bringing violence and forced political change — in a very, very bad direction — to our shores. No matter who is elected, the Jewish power structure is still going to have a stranglehold on the regime in Washington. Under these circumstances, networking with other aware citizens on amateur radio’s Liberty Net is more important and useful than ever.
Listen: Liberty Net 7/9″]
Here are just a few of the topics debated on this week’s net session, along with my comments:
• One of the best additions to an advanced amateur station is a low-noise receive-only antenna such as a Beverage. Those wanting to learn how to build a Beverage should seek out a copy of Vic, W1WCR’s excellent Beverage Antenna Handbook. (8 minutes)
• At a recent Trump speech, a citizen stood up and told the audience that he was sick of the American military and American lives being wasted fighting wars for the Zionist state of Israel. Jaws of the better-informed audience members dropped because of the man’s courage in speaking the truth. The jaws of the ignorant and misinformed dropped because the man dared to criticize God’s “holy” (and bloodthirsty) pets. (12 minutes)