Liberty Net: December 12, 2015

Liberty-Net---radio-announcerby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THIS SUNSPOT cycle is giving us some very odd 75 meter propagation recently, with the band often going quite long right around Liberty Net opening time, with stations closer than 400 miles or so becoming very weak. Very commonly the band will recover somewhat after an hour or two, though, so all is not lost. Patience and excellent antennas pay radio benefits when the Kennelly-Heaviside layer is uncooperative!

Listen: Liberty Net 12/12″]

Here’s my short summary of — and comment on — a very few of the issues discussed during this week’s net session:

• Latvia has developed a new anti-cancer treatment, based on the use of a virus that attacks cancer cells only. The name of the therapy is Rigvir. (37 minutes)

• A family of three invaders can now be paid over $9,000 to leave Norway. Several hundred have taken them up on the offer. But this is not enough. Norway — with its low population, less than that of New York City — cannot survive any non-White invaders whatsoever. (42 minutes)

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Liberty Net: December 5, 2015

Liberty-Net---wall-of-audioby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

EVEN THOUGH we are theoretically far from the sunspot minimum, the 75 meter band is sometimes acting as if we are already there. So get out your bows and arrows and potato guns and giant slingshots — and get those antennas as high and in the clear as you can. And check in to the Liberty Net with a solid, high power signal.

Listen: Liberty Net 12/5″]

Here’s a short summary of — and comment on — a few of the issues discussed during this week’s net session:

• Quite a number of European broadcast stations have invaded the upper part of 75 meters, and even beyond. All over the eastern half of the US, one can hear Germany on 3985 and 3995, and Italy way out of band at 4026 kHz. Luckily the German station on 3995, where the Liberty Net customarily operates, is pretty weak. (3 minutes)

• It appears that the neighbors of the San Bernardino shooters saw multiple Middle Eastern men going in and out of the home at odd hours, carrying equipment in and out (which turned out later to be bomb-making materials and booby traps). The neighbor never told anyone, though — for fear of being called a “racist.” Political Correctness kills. (22 minutes)

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Liberty Net: November 28, 2015

Liberty-Net---Siemens-receiver-selective-voltmeterby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

SHOULD WE be afraid of terrorism? Yes, perhaps, but it is probably better to use the word “war” instead. “Terrorism” is just a pejorative term for specific techniques that are sometimes used in war. Certain groups are making war on us, using many techniques, not just terrorism alone. One technique is invasion via immigration and replacement migration; another is the use of propaganda to reduce our birth rate and offering “inducements” to legislators to outlaw resistance to the invasion; and there are many others.

It is one of the legitimate functions of government to defend us from the groups that are making war on us. But the government will not do that. It welcomes the war-making groups, coddles them, supports them with our wealth, and criminalizes anyone who fights against or even criticizes them. What does this prove? It proves that our government has been captured and is no longer ours.

Listen: Liberty Net 11/28″]

Here’s a short summary of — and comment on — a few of the issues discussed during this week’s net session:

• There’s no point in “vetting” Muslim (or any other non-White) immigrants to “make sure they’re not terrorists.” The reason: People’s inclinations and loyalties are 90 per cent. ethnic, biological, and racial — so therefore citizenship should be based on race. And if we returned to kinship-based societies (which means the same thing as race-based societies), then we would quickly return to the level of trust, peace, and law-abiding character that we once had in this nation. (25 minutes)

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Liberty Net: November 21, 2015

Liberty-Net---broadcast-studioby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE DEBUT of our new audio stream had a couple of glitches, but they weren’t related to the new stream at all — just a bad Internet connection that picked a seriously wrong time to strike. After a few minutes, the problem was corrected and in the ensuing week we’ve streamed live and tested for over 15 hours without a hitch.

Listen: Liberty Net 11/21″]

There is some extra expense associated with this server — which lets us deliver your audio a mere ten seconds after it happens — so please help us, if you can, by making a donation today!

Here’s my digest of — and take on — a few of the ideas brought up on this week’s net session:

• I am not one of those who blames the invasion of Europe only on Muslims — I think the Jewish power structure is mainly to blame. But it is still extremely bizarre to see the lengths to which the Establishment media and politicians will go to avoid even mentioning the word “Muslim” in any negative way. It’s almost as bad as their psychotic fear of ever saying anything bad about Jews. (7 minutes)

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Liberty Net: November 14, 2015

Liberty-Net---audio-mixing-consoleby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE 3950.NET audio stream has just been upgraded. Our new streaming server has several advantages over the old one:

1. It has far less latency, meaning that the sound you hear will only be about ten seconds behind real time, instead of around 50 seconds as with the old server.

2. The transition between our recordings and our live feed during net times should be much quicker and seldom require a restart of your player, unlike the old server which created considerable delays and often required a player restart.

If you are hearing a message stating that we have switched to a new server — instead of hearing our actual stream — that means you are still listening to the old stream. All you need to do to get the new stream is reload our page or, if you’re using a media player, simply follow the links at the bottom of that page and update your player’s bookmarks. The old server will be going offline in a week or so and the old URLs will go dead at that time.

There is extra expense associated with this server — please help us pay for it by making a donation!

Listen: Liberty Net 11/14″]

Here’s my digest of — and take on — a small selection of the ideas brought up on this week’s net:

• European civilization obviously has a Muslim problem. But it would be more correct to call it a Semite problem — because without the Jewish oligarchs and media barons throwing open our gates, making war on innocent Muslims in their own homelands, and teaching Whites a race-blind “morality” that prevents us from resisting, the invaders wouldn’t be in our nations at all. (23 minutes)

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Liberty Net: November 7, 2015

Liberty-Net---the-power-of-radioby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

FOR MORE than a week, the ionospheric conditions on 75 meters have been very unstable, with short- and medium-distance skip varying wildly — between better than normal to extremely poor. But, thanks to the wide geographic dispersal of net participants and their use of higher power and large, efficient antennas, communications were still quite effective.

Listen: Liberty Net 11/7″]

Here’s my short summary of and comment on a small selection of the topics brought up on this week’s session:

• A savvy group of residents on very rural Orcas Island, Washington were unsatisfied with the low speed and low reliability of their Internet service provider. So they took the bull by the horns and built their own non-profit cooperative wireless ISP — with much better results. (17 minutes)

• Remember the Project for the New American Century — the pro-Israel group of neocon “hawks” who justified and argued for the disastrous wars in Afghanistan and Iraq? Well, the same agents of doom are still around, and this time they’re pushing for war with Iran. Their motivation? Making sure that Israel dominates the Middle East by causing death, destruction, and chaos in Arab nations. (40 minutes)

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Liberty Net: October 31, 2015

Liberty-Net---Radio-News-coverby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

WHO IS the Liberty Net? The Liberty Net is farmers, business owners, factory workers, office workers, technicians, policemen, engineers, physicists, writers, fathers, mothers, grandparents, retired people, and much more. The Liberty Net is thoughtful, intelligent people who have, with no motive except education, understanding, and truth, come together to learn and to share. Unlike the controlled media, where salaries and jobs depend on kowtowing to the agenda of the ethnically distinct billionaire elite, Liberty Net participants have no financial motivation to lie or to be “Politically Correct.”

Listen: Liberty Net 10/31″]

Here’s my brief synopsis and analysis of a small selection of the topics brought up on this week’s net:

• Even though Donald Trump is deeply connected to the Jewish establishment that misrules the United States, and even though every tenth sentence out of his mouth expresses support for the murderous Zionist state, nevertheless the Jews have a visceral distrust and hatred for him — possibly because of the fact that he questions the Jews’ non-White-immigration-uber-alles agenda. (17 minutes)

• Washington just sent $300 million to Africa, supposedly to “fight HIV infection.” I guess there aren’t any sick people in the United States — or among our racial kin in Europe. (22 minutes)

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Liberty Net: October 24, 2015

Liberty-Net---antique-light-bulb-new-ideasby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

WHO IS MORE likely to tell you the truth on any given issue — a news reader being paid by the big media corporations? — a self-interested politician? — or a neighbor who has personally researched the topic with no preconceptions except his family’s and kin’s best interests? Think about it and then learn — and teach others — by participating in the Liberty Net.

Listen: Liberty Net 10/24″]

Here’s my brief synopsis and analysis of just a few of the events and ideas talked about on this week’s net:

• Local authorities recently discovered a contraband and invasion tunnel — complete with rail system — running between Tijuana and San Diego. It is as long as eight football fields. These “supertunnels” are quite common, and keep getting rebuilt after they are shut down. But, for some mysterious reason, they get very little press. (24 minutes)

• When the odious Hillary Clinton was interrogated recently, she let slip that the Washington regime’s mission in Libya was to overthrow Qadaffi, not to “protect civilians” as they had falsely claimed. (25 minutes)

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Liberty Net: October 17, 2015

Liberty-Net---antique-radiosby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

KEEPING RECORDS — audio recordings, logs of signal strengths and transmitter characteristics, et cetera — has proven to be a valuable strategy in deterring jammers from interfering with the Liberty Net in recent years. Few such miscreants want to be identified as the perpetrators of such shameful acts, evidently, and the number of these incidents is way, way down in the half decade since we began this site.

Listen: Liberty Net 10/17″]

Here’s my brief synopsis and analysis of just a few of the events and concepts brought forward on this week’s net:

• Why can’t the Semitic countries of the Middle East take in the flood of Semitic, Middle Eastern “refugees” — instead of White European countries? Semites aren’t compatible with European societies — not culturally, not religiously, and especially not genetically. They need to stay with their own people. At the same time, it must be said, we need to stop invading and bombing Middle Eastern nations and stop murdering their citizens on behalf of Israel — all of which create the chaos which millions are desperate to escape. (39 minutes)

• The treasonous regime in Washington — “encouraged” by the Jewish lobby, of course — is eager to further harm White Americans by importing tens of thousands of Syrian “refugees” into this country. (44 minutes)

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Liberty Net: October 10, 2015

Liberty-Net---vacuum-tube-mixerby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

ONE THING that many have realized is that modern society is profoundly unnatural. And, just like some people have decided to return to Nature through consuming more natural foods and avoiding processed, genetically-modified, artificial junk, so also are many thoughtful people realizing that monoracial, kinship-based societies are the natural, time-tested alternative to tyrannical, multiracial, multicultural empires.

Listen: Liberty Net 10/10″]

Here’s my brief synopsis and analysis of a small selection of the ideas discussed on this week’s session:

• Contrary to popular belief, the abortion issue is not clearly defined by religion: Quite a few churches think it’s A-OK for women to casually slay their children in the womb, and plenty of non-Christians and freethinkers think it’s a disgusting, unthinkable act except in the most dire emergencies. (22 minutes)

• The “migrant” swarm sweeping across Europe, which consists mainly of military-age men, has left a trail of trash, vandalism, and raped women in its ever-widening path. The ultimate result, if nothing is done, is the extermination of European man. It’s long past time for the shooting to start. (27 minutes)

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