by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO
IT REQUIRED two frequencies — 3978 kHz to start (because Radio France’s DRM is now wiping out 10 kHz of spectrum centered on 3965) and 3983 later in the night to avoid Vatican Radio’s Latin transmission on 3975 — but the latest Liberty Net session was a forum as engaging and mind-opening as the best college class you’ve ever attended.
Listen: Liberty Net 12/8″]
Here are just a few of the concepts put forth and debated this week:
• Making every business a funding source for the huge turkey that our health care system has become will kill innumerable small businesses — they simply won’t be able to hire people as they have in the past. Highly profitable mega-corporations will benefit from eliminating the competition, though. (10 minutes)
• Why should we all lose our Second Amendment rights just because certain people and groups with low IQs and poor impulse control can’t be trusted with guns? Better to keep the rights — and cut ourselves loose from the irresponsible individuals and groups. (17 minutes)