Liberty Net: September 17, 2011

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE LIBERTY NET seems to get several new check-ins every week — so, even when regular participants are away temporarily, the discussions nevertheless continue to grow in breadth and depth. From economics and demographics to history and health, free thought reigns supreme — so please check in and add your voice to the exchange!

Listen: Liberty Net 9/17″]

Here are some of the ideas discussed this time on amateur radio’s most exciting net:

• More and more voices are calling for a new 9/11 investigation, and almost no intelligent person fully accepts the official story. But when a long-time Establishment hack like Bob Graham joins the call, one has to wonder — has he had an attack of conscience? — or does someone want to control and divert any new inquiry? (28 minutes)

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Liberty Net: September 10, 2011

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE LIBERTY NET actually took place on 3950 kHz this time — for the first time in several years — and, ironically, this happened on the night we received the news of the death of one of the most egregious jammers in amateur radio history, WA9KJI. The discussions didn’t focus on negativity, though, and the ideas presented were original, wide-ranging, and at turns philosophical, political, and humorous.

Listen: Liberty Net 9/10″]

Here are some of the concepts brought forth and issues debated on amateur radio’s historic Liberty Net this week:

• The latest “stimulus” bill has nothing to do with boosting the economy, and everything to do with ruling by decree: No one will even be able to read the complete text of this pretended law until after it is passed. (44 minutes)

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Liberty Net: July 30, 2011

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

ONE INTERESTING THING about the Liberty Net is the convergence of “left” and “right” toward truth and consensus that often happens there — false political categorizations fall away between the hammer of debate and the anvil of facts.

[wpaudio url=”,%20Saturday%20%20%203h%2040m%2009s%20%20%20Start%20&%20End%203980%20kHz%20%20%20Vertical%20Antenna%20%20%20Source%20%20N2IRJ.mp3″ text=”Listen: Liberty Net 7/30″]

Here are some notes — just a small sampling, really — from the most recent session of the most exciting net on the amateur airwaves:

• A subpoena has now been issued to allow a typesetting and scanning expert to see the actual paper document that was allegedly the basis for the PDF “long form birth certificate” released on the White House Web site. (22 minutes)

• Two and a half billion dollars of US taxpayer money has been given recently to Afghan transportation companies, supposedly to “promote business” in that country, which has been devastated by the US invasion. It has now been revealed that a substantial portion of that money goes to 1) bribes to corrupt police and other officials of the US-installed puppet government there, and 2) directly to the Taliban, to “guarantee safe passage” of the trucks in question. (25 minutes)

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Liberty Net: November 6, 2010

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

SUNSPOTS ARE UP, but our hemisphere gets less and less exposure to them as Winter approaches, making for some strange propagation, with the 75 meter skip going long, then short, and then long again. Some of the stronger Liberty Net regulars were down in strength this week, while a few of the western stations came in much better than usual. The ideas were as varied as the signal strengths, as listeners heard reports from as far afield as Havana and China as well as from a Rand Paul victory celebration in Kentucky.

[wpaudio url=”,%20Saturday%204h%2053m%2030s%20%20%20Source%20%20N2IRJ.mp3″ text=”Listen: 11/6 Liberty Net”]

Here are a just a few of the topics covered this time on amateur radio’s most consistently intelligent and exciting net:

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Liberty Net: July 31, 2010

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

CONDITIONS were excellent this week on the Liberty Net, and so were the conversations. Check-ins spanned the entire eastern half of North America. Here are just a few of the highlights from this week’s most exciting net on the amateur radio bands:

Download or listen to the Liberty Net recorded July 31″]

• Obama made a recent statement on “The View” that most Blacks in America are “mongrels.” If a White person had made such a statement, the media would have gone into overdrive and there likely would have been rioting in the streets. (12 minutes)

• Maxine Waters can be properly described as the Communist representative from California, now that she has openly stated that all businesses should be seized by the government. (24 minutes)

• Why are the bank failure announcements always made late on Friday? — in hopes that they will no longer be “news” by Monday? So far, despite the “happy talk” from the regime in Washington, the bank failure rate is almost twice as high this year than in 2009. (26 minutes)

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Liberty Net: July 3, 2010

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

N2SAG’s commentary on this week’s Liberty Net was an unusually powerful indictment of the international parasites who have set themselves up as oligarchs and illegally rule the Western world. It’s worthy of archiving permanently and sending to your friends. It starts about 1 hour and 19 minutes into the recording.

[wpaudio url=”,%20Saturday%20%20%203h%2032m%2036s%20%20%20Source%20%20N2IRJ%202.mp3″ text=”Listen to or download the Liberty Net recorded July 3″]

Here are a few examples of the literally dozens of subjects you’ll hear on this week’s recording:

• Everybody who isn’t an oligarch agrees that the Afghanistan War is a disaster for America. So why are we still there? — and why are neocons in the Republican party attacking their own leader for telling a small part of this obvious truth? — and why did Obama break his promise to sign the order to bring the troops back “the day he was sworn into office”? (1 hour 7 minutes)

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Liberty Net: June 26, 2010

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

SOME VERY DEEP analysis of world events was heard this week on amateur radio’s most exciting net, the Liberty Net — along with strong dissenting views. Intentional interference was almost entirely absent, as the jammer identified during the last net session has apparently slunk away in shame.

[wpaudio url=”,%20Saturday%20%20%205h%2016m%2000s%20%20%20Source%20%20N2IRJ.mp3″ text=”Listen to or download the Liberty Net recorded June 26″]

Here is a small sampling of what you’ll hear on this week’s recording (the times given are when the subject was brought up, timed from the beginning of the recording):

• An 86-year-old woman was recently tasered in her bed by a police-uniformed thug who didn’t like her “attitude.” Is such evil a consequence of the brutalization of our young men, caused by ordering them to commit atrocities in the Middle East? (3 hours 50 minutes)

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