by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO
SUPPORTING THE LIBERTY NET is one of the main purposes of this Web site, and the hosting and streaming servers and interactive discussion servers we use are not free. We don’t make any money at this at all, and our rates just went up significantly — so, if you have benefited from, why not consider a small donation to support our efforts? Just click on
Listen: Liberty Net 8/10″]
Here are just a few of the concepts put forth on the Liberty Net this time:
• More and more people and businesses are locating their servers and data outside of the United States, especially in countries known for their lack of “cooperation” with the Washington regime. Thanks, DC, for trashing a multibillion-dollar industry! (14 minutes)
• Even many of those who supported Obamacare are having second thoughts now that they see it as the naked federal/corporate power grab that it is. Those who want total power over our lives have now floated the idea of outlawing charity hospitals and cash-for-service doctors because they evade their net of absolute control. (21 minutes)