THE LIBERTY NET book list — titles recommended by various net participants — has recently been updated and can be accessed by simply clicking on the “Book List” graphic in the right sidebar of this Web site, or the “Books” tab at the top of the page. Thanks to Nyssa, K4HZY, for inspiring and writing a large part of this excellent addition our site.
Listen: Liberty Net 10/3″]
Here’s my brief digest of, and comment on, just a few of the issues discussed on this week’s Liberty Net:
• The Russians have been bombing ISIS — and Washington-backed “rebel” positions that supply ISIS with weapons — in an effort to support the Assad government in Syria. The Mossad, Israel, the CIA, and the whores in Congress are very, very unhappy about this. (3 minutes)
• In Pennsylvania, teachers and others who work with children are now being required to submit their fingerprints (and other private, personal data) to the regime’s FBI in Washington. While that might be fine if we still had our own society, and if the FBI was not an utterly corrupt enemy of freedom and of the American people, but as it is it’s no better than turning your social security number, passwords, and all your other personal data over to the Mafia. (15 minutes)