by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO
SINCE CLEAR frequencies, particularly in the very high end of 75 meters where the Liberty Net usually operates, are at a premium, it would be an excellent idea if net participants would start a pre-net QSO an hour or so ahead of time somewhere near 3995 kHz — as soon as it’s clear. Also useful would be abandoning the tendency to be “fashionably late” for the net: It’s always better to have a strong contingent of check-ins right away.
Listen: Liberty Net 5/10″]
Here’s a selection taken from the topics discussed on the net this session:
• It’s a sign of the end of America when the alleged “first lady” refers to Nigerians, however bad their situation, as “our girls.” (15 minutes)
• The man who wants to have New Hampshire vanity plates reading “COPS LIE” has just won an appeal in court. (25 minutes)