Liberty Net: September 3, 2014


by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

ALL OVER the world, there is a confluence of opinion bringing together people of good will who realize that the old left/right paradigm just doesn’t make sense anymore. What does make sense is 1) whether or not you oppose the banking oligarchy, 2) whether you support or oppose Zionist/US aggression around the world, and 3) whether you stand for or against the oligarchs’ efforts to obliterate the European race.

Listen: Liberty Net 9/3″]

Here is my brief selection of a few of the ideas debated and discussed this week:

• For those who have started to realize that the NRA isn’t really interested in fully restoring our Second Amendment rights, you might want to switch your support to Gun Owners of America (GOA). (13 minutes)

• In Wisconsin, an 11-year-old student at an online virtual charter school has been forbidden by his principal, Melissa A. Horne, from using an avatar — a mere picture — depicting a gun. (22 minutes)

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Liberty Net: August 30, 2014


by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

IN IRAN, in Syria, and in Ukraine, the Zionist/banker warmongers are constantly propagandizing us to go to war, almost always for specious reasons. Currently, Russia is being falsely painted as an enemy. False flag events are staged to convince us to catch “war fever.” One of the greatest things about the Liberty Net is the fact that many participants are connected to alternative news and information sources which are outside of the Washington regime’s propagandasphere. There is also a diversity of opinion on the net, allowing the listener or participant to make up his own mind after enjoying the interplay of ideas.

Listen: Liberty Net 8/30″]

Here is my abbreviated selection of the concepts and issues debated and discussed this time:

• In Lynn, Massachusetts, the public schools are required to accept as “students” Third World illegal immigrants whose ages are not allowed to be verified. This not only results in racial mixing, but the subjection of middle school White girls to the advances of, say, Guatemalan or Somali fully adult males. (12 minutes)

• The vicious beating, by a gang of Blacks shouting racial epithets, of a White former marine (who was a stranger to them) in a restaurant parking lot in West Point, Mississippi has gone almost totally unreported in the controlled media. The local police chief says, incredibly, that this was not a hate crime. (13 minutes)

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Liberty Net: August 23, 2014


by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

ONE OF THE things that makes the Liberty Net unique is the ability to experience not only the ideas of those who participate, as one might by reading a blog posting or online forum, but also get a feel for the character and feelings of the man or woman who’s speaking by hearing his or her voice when interacting with others. It’s the most immersive social network you’re likely to find — and it’s very educational, too.

Listen: Liberty Net 8/23″]

Here is a selection of the ideas brought forth during this week’s Liberty Net:

• The Ivory Coast, along with South Africa, Liberia, Guinea, and other African countries have closed their borders in an effort to stop the spread of the Ebola virus. If they can do it, why can’t we? (14 minutes)

• One of the reasons US police departments are becoming so thuggish and militarized is the police “training” and “cooperation” agreements the Washington regime has signed with Israel, whose treatment of the Palestinians is known for its ferocity and brutality. (24 minutes)

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Liberty Net: August 16, 2014


by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

WE ARE saddened to hear of the lung-cancer-related death of long-time Liberty Net participant Mike DeWoody, ex-N3GVA, in Maryland this week. (Mike, left, is shown in a 2010 photo above with WB4AIO.)

Mike was known for his calm on-the-air demeanor and brilliant wit during some of the most intense jamming and other attacks on the Net that took place in the 1990s and early 2000s. He was a peaceful, sensitive, and deeply intellectual man who could make a powerful and moving statement with just a few quiet words. He would often surprise you with the utter reasonableness and philosophical validity with which he presented radical and paradigm-shifting ideas. Mike turned in his license to the FCC in protest against the Washington regime’s intrusive, tyrannical, and anti-American behavior.

Years ago, Mike had a near-death experience which made him confident that death was not the end, and he faced his final hours with peace, with his long-time girlfriend and life partner Quincy by his side. Wherever you are, Mike, hail and farewell until we meet again.

Listen: Liberty Net 8/16″]

Here is a selection of the ideas debated during this week’s Liberty Net:

• The protests and looting in Ferguson, Missouri are partly an expression of outrage against the killing of a Black man by a White policeman — but the deaths of the over 500 Blacks killed in Chicago, almost entirely by other Blacks — including 52 in a single weekend — pass with very little notice. (17 minutes)

• A new app called SketchFactor crowdsources crime and violence reports to help travellers avoid dangerous areas. Naturally, it’s been called “racist” since almost all “sketchy” areas are populated by Blacks and Mestizos. A Washington, DC television station sent a crew into a “sketchy” neighborhood to interview residents about how they felt about the designation — and the TV crew’s van promptly had its lock popped and expensive equipment was stolen. (18 minutes)

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Liberty Net: August 2, 2014


by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

WHEN WE ARE SUBJECTED to intense media propaganda, as we have been during the massacre of Gazans by Israel recently, it is very important to have access to alternative media not owned or controlled by Jewish/Zionist oligarchs. Not only is the Liberty Net such a source of information, but it is a nexus of people who have discovered, use, or even operate such outlets.

Listen: Liberty Net 8/2″]

Here is my selection of just a few items from among those discussed during this week’s Liberty Net:

• With the decline in the shortwave audience, it’s surprising how little some of the remaining broadcasters care about letters from listeners, many of which go unanswered. (17 minutes)

• With the current massacre in Gaza, some US and European businesses are cancelling travel to Israel. Is this because of a desire to cease supporting the Jewish state — or an exaggerated fear of the Palestinians’ tiny (about 4.5 inches in diameter) rockets? (20 minutes)

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Liberty Net: July 30, 2014


by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

WE WERE all saddened to hear of the death — accelerated by establishment medical and hospice “care” — of Vic, W1WCR’s beloved wife Sue. Our thoughts are with Vic at this difficult time and we hope that he will soon resume his post as Net Control Station (NCS) of the Liberty Net. For a details of this tragedy, listen to the latter part of the August 3, 2014 Survival Net. Expect an article soon detailing Vic’s experiences with the medical system.

Listen: Liberty Net 7/30″]

Here is my small selection of concepts and ideas discussed during this week’s Net:

• When you hear the controlled media wailing about “children killed by gun violence,” remember that 1) guns can kill no one on their own, and 2) a substantial percentage of these “children” are 17-year-old gang-bangers. (17 minutes)

• When you open your borders to the Third World, it won’t be long before you’ll have Third World crime, Third World poverty, Third World disease, and Third World tyranny. (23 minutes)

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Liberty Net: July 26, 2014


by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

AS BOMBS FALL on Gaza, murdering countless innocents, the US government, totally in the pocket of the world’s wealthiest ethnic group, is supporting the murderers — and so are the billionaires’ media, like Fox News and CNN.

Listen: Liberty Net 7/26″]

Here is my selection from among the ideas discussed during this week’s Liberty Net session:

• Altruistic people are starting to use social media as a platform for donating money to Blacks in Detroit who are behind on their water payments. Altruism is a good trait, but when our own people are suffering in many places around the world, it is really moral to contribute to one of the most prolific races inhabiting and invading our living space? (9 minutes)

• Add “United States” to the list of countries that have blocked YouTube videos. The oh-so-sacred US military has decided that certain ideas and thoughts are off limits to soldiers. (20 minutes)

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Liberty Net: July 19, 2014

Liberty Net - 808

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

SUMMERTIME CONDITIONS have been pretty mild this year so far, but it’s till a good idea to run as much clean legal power as you can muster when confronted with high static levels or with widely-separated check-ins — always consider the reception conditions at the station most distant from you, or who might be in the middle of a thunderstorm. Building or buying a quality power amplifier is doing a kindness to the other fellow!

Listen: Liberty Net 7/19″]

Here is my selection from among the ideas discussed during this week’s Liberty Net session:

• With the stroke of a pen, another treasonous illegal “executive order” has banned imports of Russian-made AK-47s, restricting Americans’ freedom, causing small businesses to close their doors, and presaging more acts of economic war against the one major European nation which is resisting the oligarchs. (12 minutes)

• Ever since one of their spacecraft crashed in the Siberian wilderness in the 1960s, Russia’s cosmonauts have been provided with pistols and shotguns aboard their vessels. (15 minutes)

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Liberty Net: July 12, 2014


by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

IN A WORLD filled with crises, looming genocide, misrule by the super-wealthy oligarchs, and a rising nationalist movement for self-determination, it’s quite astounding that anyone can be interested in professional ball teams. For those who are truly engaged with world events, the Liberty Net is an oasis of thought and ideas in a world of lying propaganda and meaningless entertainment.

Listen: Liberty Net 7/12″]

Here is my selection of the issues brought up during this week’s session:

• The level of conformity and ignorance has reached such heights in this country that a Liberty Net participant was charged with “harassment” because he walked through his neighborhood listening to a portable shortwave radio looking for an interference source. (24 minutes)

• The entire concept of “preventive law” — having to ask permission of a commissar or commission or bureaucrat before engaging in an ordinary business or other activity — is repugnant to free people. (27 minutes)

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Liberty Net: July 5, 2014


by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE HUGE ELEPHANT in the room that “polite” conservatives and liberals in Western nations are not supposed to notice is mass immigration and the looming extinction of the White race. And that’s not the only “taboo” — but very important — topic that Liberty Net participants are unafraid to discuss. Check in and add your voice this week!

Listen: Liberty Net 7/5″]

Here is my selection from the ideas discussed this week during the latest meeting of the Liberty Net:

• The same politicians who complain the loudest of the “greedy rich” (in order to get the votes of the ignorant) raise funds with $35,000-a-plate dinners. I assure you, the “greedy rich” (the ones who want political favors) are the only ones who attend. (4 minutes)

• In Thailand, criticizing the military government, wearing the wrong t-shirt, or reading Orwell’s 1984 can get you thrown into an “attitude adjustment” camp. The detainees’ relatives are not even told where their family members are being held. (11 minutes)

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