Liberty Net: June 8, 2013


by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

FROM THE LATEST developments in technology, to information that the financial elite and their politician employees don’t want you to know, the Liberty Net is the go-to source for knowledge in this dangerous and changing world. And it’s not a one-way street — if you have something you’d like other participants to know, please check in and speak your piece.

Liberty Net – 2013-0608″]

Here are a few of the latest ideas brought up and debated on the Liberty Net this time:

• Have you noticed the proliferation of private security guards, even in public spaces? They’re especially evident near financial institutions, who apparently are very nervous about the fact that millions of people are onto their scams. You have absolutely no duty to obey their commands. (25 minutes)

• Google’s snooping, and its cooperation with both the Beijing and Washington regimes, is making more and more people abandon them in favor of Startpage and other competing search engines. (30 minutes)

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Liberty Net: June 1, 2013

The Liberty Net - RCA Radiola

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

LAST WEEK there were two informal Liberty Net gatherings on 40 meters — so there’s a possibility that we’ll try a regular session on that band in the future. (Wow, that would make a total of four Liberty / Survival Net sessions per week!) At present, conditions on 40 don’t seem particularly stable, but afternoon and evening seem better than morning and midday so far.

Liberty Net – 2013-0601″]

Here are a few of the latest issues discussed on the Liberty Net:

• Don’t get dragged into thinking that the latest Fox News / MSNBC “scandal of the week” or “outrage of the day” is important. They are largely just red herrings designed to distract us from the fact that we are ruled by an illegal government controlled by our enemies, and delude us with the idea that one of the bankers’ political parties or the other is a real solution. (11 minutes)

• The Washington regime’s “Department of Justice” has decreed that its employees may no longer use the words “husband” or “wife” when referring to spouses — to do so is now categorized as “hate speech.” (20 minutes)

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WB4AIO is Back On the Air!


by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

WELL, MY STATION has been too long idle — far too long, since early 2000. But starting last week, WB4AIO is back on the air. Despite the FBI-aided and abetted theft of all my radio equipment, I have been frugally saving my pennies and building a new station (mostly with far-from-new equipment). I’ve been running some low-power tests on 75, 40, and 20 meters using both AM and eSSB with an un-amplified Flex SDR-1000 (running 75 to 100 Watts peak on eSSB and a whopping 18 Watts on AM). It’s a wonderful experience, and especially delightful to make an on-air connection to old friends again. I’ve recently talked to N2IRJ, W1WCR, N2SAG, WA2CYT, WA1HLR, KB1NFS, W1AEX, W4BVT and many others. Thanks for welcoming me back, guys!

I can tell, when the propagation is turbulent or the band is noisy and competitive (as 75 meters practically always is), that exciter power simply isn’t enough — so I’m seeking a good quality linear amplifier to bring my signal up 10 dB or more.

Marty, N2IRJ was kind enough to send a recording he made of me using PowerSDR and a 7.5 kHz bandwidth while we were having an eSSB QSO on 7275 kHz. Take a listen:

WB4AIO as heard at N2IRJ 7275 kHz LSB”]

Liberty Net: May 25, 2013

Liberty Net - waves of thought

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT about going on strike? — withdrawing as far as possible from supporting the economy, the regime in Washington, and the parasites that feed on them? — withdrawing from any act, economic or otherwise, that supports the regime’s murderous, illegal wars? Think about it — and listen to the three weekly Liberty Net and Survival Net sessions for fresh ideas that could change your life and the world.

Liberty Net – 2013-0525″]

Here are a few of the latest ideas put up for discussion and debate on the Liberty Net:

• If Bush and Obama were authentic human beings instead of monstrous shills for the even more monstrous oligarchs, they would show remorse for the thousands of innocent people they have tortured, the thousands of innocent people they have ripped away from their equally innocent families, the thousands of innocent people they have burned alive, the thousands of innocent people they have killed with bombs and missiles, and the millions of innocent people who have lost their freedom and suffered grievously because of the evil puppet governments they have set up. (11 minutes)

• In Europe, the System’s police refuse to protect the people from immigrant violence and aggression. Even worse, the police attack the people when they protest the violence, human trafficking, and other crimes committed by non-Whites. But there is hope — nationalist groups are stepping in to do the job that the police will not do. (36 minutes)

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Liberty Net: May 18, 2013

Liberty Net - saturday night

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

A SOLAR FLARE visited our planet this week, but the impact on the Liberty Net was minimal, as many of the cornerstone stations on the net have taken the time and effort to have maximally strong signals — and they shine through even when the ionosphere is uncooperative.

Liberty Net – 2013-0518″]

Here’s my summary of a few of the issues debated and discussed on the Liberty Net this session:

• Why do the Washington regime’s immigration authorities consistently favor Muslims and other non-Whites, yet make it extremely difficult for White people to immigrate here? (18 minutes)

• With the bankers and their “Fed” able to create any number of billions of dollars at will, there is no reason at all for “income taxes” or the IRS — except to control and intimidate us. (28 minutes)

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Liberty Net: May 11, 2013

Liberty Net - Grebe receiver

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE LIBERTY NET lost a good friend and participant with the recent death of Harrison Perl, K4GAR. Harrison, 92, was a pilot during World War 2 and was a regular on the net for two decades with his powerful signal from Sarasota, Florida. He was very active in national and local efforts to prevent the destruction of this nation for most of his adult life. Goodbye, courageous friend.

Liberty Net – 2013-0511″]

Here are a few selected items from the Liberty Net discussions this week:

• The so-called “Internal Revenue Service” is nothing more than a terror group and a collection agency for the banks. It is totally illegal and always has been. It should be treated exactly the same way that the very worst terror killers, murderers, and Mafia hit men are treated. (35 minutes)

• What a spineless bunch of cowards run the Heritage Foundation! They fired one of their officials for writing a paper when he was in college saying that Mestizo immigrants have a lower average IQ than Whites — something that practically everyone, Mestizos included, knows is true. (58 minutes)

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Liberty Net: May 4, 2013

Liberty Net - real radio

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

AS SUMMERTIME static starts to rear its ugly head, it becomes more and more important to run a high, efficient antenna — and an RF power amplifier at or near full legal power, when operating on 75 meters in general and checking into the Liberty Net in particular. Here are some links that can help you build a great antenna:;wap2

Don’t be fooled by ad copy: Homemade full-size wire antennas are nearly always far superior to commercial compromise types!

Liberty Net – 2013-0504″]

Midweek Liberty Net – 2013-0508″]

Now here’s a brief summary of some of the ideas brought up on the Liberty Net this week:

• Beware the oligarchs’ (and Israel’s) attempt to get a war started in Syria. They really don’t care whether or not Syria has used chemical weapons (and why is that worse than lobbing depleted uranium warheads, like the Washington regime does?); and they don’t care if a revolutionary regime there will be far more fundamentalist and radical than the Assad government. All they care about is that Syria under Assad is strong, and they want a weak, faction-ridden Syria — a Syria that can’t keep out the Mossad and the CIA and the New York banking and media mega-corporations. (1 hour 2 minutes)

• There’s a new term for the states that have reached the ominous point at which there are more people dependent on government payments than are working — they’re called “death spiral” states. (1 hour 11 minutes)

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Liberty Net: April 27, 2013

Liberty Net - your turn shure-55

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE NEW Midweek Liberty Net, after only two sessions — Wednesdays at 9PM Eastern — is attracting enough participants to almost equal our Saturday session in terms of length — over four hours of conversations last time!

Midweek Liberty Net – 2013-0501″]

Liberty Net – 2013-0427″]

Here are some of the ideas brought up for debate on the Liberty Net this week:

• If the intelligence agencies can bring a city to its knees — and get almost any new nationwide “security” laws they want — just by deploying a couple of patsies with backpacks, just imagine what they could do with a bigger operation. (13 minutes)

• The recent media-fueled rehabilitation of the reputation of mass murderer and traitor George W. Bush is reprehensible and disgusting. (34 minutes)

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Liberty Net: April 20, 2013

Liberty Net - there is an alternative

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THIS WEEK SAW the addition of a new session of the Liberty Net — Wednesdays at 9 PM Eastern Time — so the net is now twice weekly instead of weekly. If you’re one of those folks who is free on weeknights but not on Saturdays, or if you’re just someone with a lot to say, check in to our new Wednesday night get-together and prepare for the very best kind of challenging learning — and fun.

Liberty Net – 2013-0420″]

Midweek Liberty Net – 2013-0424″]

Here’s just a small sample of the ideas brought up for discussion on the Liberty Net this week:

• When the controlled media talking heads say that they “can’t figure out the motive” for the Boston bombings, it staggers the imagination. They must be living in a parallel universe — one where American military aggression and American support for Israeli aggression isn’t enraging Muslims worldwide. (7 minutes)

• If we must have immigrants — a questionable proposition — why not carefully select the countries from which they come? Pick countries of high quality, and with populations that match ours genetically — and almost all immigration-related problems will disappear. (20 minutes)

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New Midweek Liberty Net Session!


by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE LIBERTY NET will be holding a special Wednesday night session tonight — and it will be starting at 9PM Eastern Time, one hour earlier than the regular Saturday session. It’s an experiment we’re trying because many of our participants want to be able to discuss breaking events as they happen, and at greater length than a weekly net allows. So check in and participate! The starting frequency is tentatively set at 3991 kHz LSB, but, as always, we may have to be frequency-agile if the frequency is already in use. As AB3RA says, you can never get enough liberty!