SHOULD WE be afraid of terrorism? Yes, perhaps, but it is probably better to use the word “war” instead. “Terrorism” is just a pejorative term for specific techniques that are sometimes used in war. Certain groups are making war on us, using many techniques, not just terrorism alone. One technique is invasion via immigration and replacement migration; another is the use of propaganda to reduce our birth rate and offering “inducements” to legislators to outlaw resistance to the invasion; and there are many others.
It is one of the legitimate functions of government to defend us from the groups that are making war on us. But the government will not do that. It welcomes the war-making groups, coddles them, supports them with our wealth, and criminalizes anyone who fights against or even criticizes them. What does this prove? It proves that our government has been captured and is no longer ours.
Listen: Liberty Net 11/28″]
Here’s a short summary of — and comment on — a few of the issues discussed during this week’s net session:
• There’s no point in “vetting” Muslim (or any other non-White) immigrants to “make sure they’re not terrorists.” The reason: People’s inclinations and loyalties are 90 per cent. ethnic, biological, and racial — so therefore citizenship should be based on race. And if we returned to kinship-based societies (which means the same thing as race-based societies), then we would quickly return to the level of trust, peace, and law-abiding character that we once had in this nation. (25 minutes)