by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO
AS SUMMERTIME approaches, it’s time to check out your transmitting antenna system: make sure it’s a quarter wave high or higher and a half wave long or longer if horizontal; and a quarter wave long or longer with an excellent ground system if vertical. And use that amplifier! When dealing with the higher absorption and static levels approaching us on 75 meters, and when dealing with a continent-wide net, maximum signal strength is necessary.
Listen: Liberty Net 3/15″]
Here’s a selected sample of the concepts introduced on the net this week:
• As America becomes a Third World nation, complete with poorer and poorer genetic quality and lower intelligence, the SAT examinations are being “dumbed down.” (15 minutes)
• Why do some countries, realizing the value of their most intelligent young people, use their natural resource revenues to pay for their college educations? — while here in the US, we virtually force our young students into crippling “student loan” bank debt for a decade or more? This is especially destructive when we consider that this severely depresses the birth rate of the best among us. (18 minutes)