Liberty Net: June 11, 2016

Liberty-Net---RCA-814-tubesby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THANKS TO MARTY, N2IRJ who stood in as Net Control Station (NCS) on this week’s Liberty Net, when Vic, W1WCR had to be away. Marty is also the regular NCS for the Midweek Liberty Net, which takes place every Wednesday at 10PM Eastern Time. When you check in to these nets, your callsign will be placed on a list and then, after check-ins are completed, each station will be called upon for comments in the order in which he or she checked in.

Listen: Liberty Net 6/11″]

Here are a few of the ideas brought up on this week’s Liberty Net, along with my comments:

• A police officer in a major US city predicts massive civil disobedience — or possibly even civil war — if Hillary becomes manager of the Jews’ “federal government” in Washington and tries to further abrogate the Second Amendment. And, he predicts, in any such conflict many policemen will side with American citizens and will openly defy the Washington regime. (28 minutes)

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Liberty Net: November 10, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THIS WEEK, Liberty Net participants and friends were delighted with the return of Long Island’s N2SAG after almost two weeks of a Third-World-like scenario without fuel, heat, power, or communications. N2IRJ in New Jersey has power, but his station has still not recovered from the one-two punch of the successive storms. The ionosphere went very long this week, too, yet participation was as high as ever and the discussions continued at a very high level on the Net well into the wee hours of the morning.

Listen: Liberty Net 11/10″]

Here are some topics debated in this week’s session:

• Pat Buchanan was correct when he called the 2012 election the “end of White America” — from this point forward, illegal Somalians and other aliens will vote, and so will the multiple dozens of millions of non-Whites imported “legally” since the fraudulent abrogation of our immigration laws in 1965. Whites will no longer have even the faintest possibility of regaining their country through the ballot box. Only revolution and secession make sense now. (55 minutes)

• In the case of the “affair” of General Petraeus, do we see the hand of Israeli intelligence at work? (1 hour 27 minutes)

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Liberty Net: November 3, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THIS WEEK there were two Liberty Net sessions instead of one: A special election-night watch was on the air Tuesday.

We’re still waiting to hear from stalwart net participant Al, N2SAG, as communication (and presumably power) at his Long Island QTH still has not been restored. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Al. UPDATE: Al was on the air 11/10 and is well, despite enduring many days of hardship. Welcome back, Al!

And, right after power was finally restored at N2IRJ after Hurricane Sandy struck, a huge Nor’easter slammed into the area and took down the power grid again, taking Marty and the phone patch off the air once more. Marty’s Beverage antenna was also severely damaged by the storms, and his transmitting antenna feedline was brought down by heavy snow.

Listen: Liberty Net 11/3″]

Here’s a small selection of what was discussed on the net this week:

• The regime in Washington has absolutely insane policies regarding Middle Easterners: One the one hand, it’s virtually forbidden to criticize the Muslim invasion of the United States (they even have a scare word for it; “Islamophobia”). But on the other hand we’re murdering — literally burning alive — many thousands of innocent Muslims who stayed in their home countries and minded their own business. And at the same time, yet another Middle Eastern group — the Jews — controls a major part of what used to be our financial, media, and political establishments. (18 minutes)

• Want more proof that both political parties are controlled by the same bosses? Just look at the fact that the vast majority of those who vote for either party want an end to mass immigration, yet it’s open borders we get — open wider every year — no matter whether Democrats or Republicans are nominally in power. (30 minutes)

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Special Election Night Meeting of the Liberty Net

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

AT EIGHT PM TUESDAY, election day, the Liberty Net will be having a special meeting to discuss the events of the evening. We’ll try for 3967 or a nearby frequency. The five best-known presidential candidates — Merlin Miller, Gary Johnson, Virgil Goode, “Mitt” Romney, and Barack Hussein Obama are shown below.

Listen: LN Election Night – 2012-1106″]

My personal opinion? Elections don’t matter because the major parties are totally controlled by our enemies, and the moronic mob will always vote the major parties because the controlled media tell them to. So why take even a minute away from our important work of building a consensus for secession and revolution to vote in the phony elections? As it has been wisely said, “If voting could change anything, it would be illegal.” But it’s worthwhile to talk about the charade, and prove to intelligent people that it is a charade, and show them that there is no hope — not even the faintest hope, ever — of regaining our freedom and constitutional rights through the ballot box.

Listen: LN Election Night – 2012-1106″]


Liberty Net: October 27, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE LIBERTY NET continues to be one of the best places to speak the truth as you see it without the censorious and ethnic-agenda-driven “gatekeepers” of the billionaires’ mass media. All that is asked is that you be courteous, identify yourself, and wait for your turn to be called by Net Control Station W1WCR.

Listen: Liberty Net 10/27″]

Here are a just few samples of what was debated on the net this session:

• As more and more electric utility companies are being sold off to foreign interests, is infrastructure maintenance being sacrificed to boost profits, making storm outages far more widespread than they would otherwise be? (5 minutes)

• Why are literal busloads of Somalis — many of them illiterate and not even nominal citizens — being taken to the polls to “vote early” in Ohio? (9 minutes)

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Liberty Net: October 20, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE KENNELLY-HEAVISIDE LAYER was back in fine shape this week and the Liberty Net had a marathon six-hour session as a result, with subjects ranging from the upcoming phony elections to the false flag attack on the Federal Reserve building.

Listen: Liberty Net 10/20″]

Here are a just few samples of what was debated on the net this session:

• Should the Liberty Net schedule an election-night special edition, to monitor for media skulduggery, lies, and possible unreported local fraud, violence, or intimidation? (18 minutes)

• Europe is starting to show signs of life, with the very welcome rise of the Golden Dawn in Greece, Jobbik in Hungary, and now the youth group Generation Identitaire in France. (33 minutes)

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Liberty Net: October 13, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

A SOLAR STORM led to bizarre conditions this week on 75 meters, and some normally dominant Liberty Net stations could not hear each other — while others were even clearer than usual. Despite the ionosphere’s lack of coöperation, the net discussions were as powerful and educational as ever.

Listen: Liberty Net 10/13″]

Here are a few examples of what was brought forward — and debated — on the net this week:

• The major objections to Paul Ryan are not the latest phony “outrages” ballyhooed by the phony media — such as whether or not he was a hypocrite for requesting so-called “stimulus funds” stolen from honest people — but rather the indisputable fact that he is a warmonger and is totally owned by the Zionist lobby. (4 minutes)

• The mass-murdering transnational criminal organization that falsely calls itself the “Federal Government of the United States of America” has now officially declared the Salvadoran-American gang MS-13 to be a “transnational criminal organization.” Pot. Kettle. Black. (13 minutes)

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Liberty Net: October 6, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

NO SPONSORS — no billionaires’ “think tank” subsidies — no ties to political parties — no banker-paid gatekeepers or editors — just real people and real, uncensored, free speech: That’s amateur radio’s historic Liberty Net, the longest-running discussion net on the amateur radio bands.

Listen: Liberty Net 10/6″]

Here are a few examples of what was discussed on the net this week:

• More dollars are created (out of thin air) by the banking system in a single year than Carl Sagan ever imagined there were galaxies in the universe. Is it any wonder that they are becoming worth less and less every day? More importantly, what gives banks the right to create money, anyway? (3 minutes)

• When the CIA/Mossad puppet was crushed in the recent election in the Republic of Georgia, guess what? Georgia immediately stopped supporting the illegal Washington regime’s planned attack on Iran. (51 minutes)

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Liberty Net: September 29, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE IONOSPHERE IS getting quieter and quieter as Fall progresses, and reception of the Liberty Net is getting clearer and clearer as a result. So put up that antenna, tune up your amplifier, check in this Saturday night, and let your voice be heard on the Liberty Net, amateur radio’s longest-running discussion net.

Listen: Liberty Net 9/29″]

Here are a few samples of the subjects brought up during the latest net session:

• As the founders warned us, representative government has one fatal flaw: If ever you allow the electorate to vote themselves largesse from the public treasury, it’s all over for freedom. (8 minutes)

• Another sign that “democracy” is a hoax in America is the fact that not one voter in ten is aware of the multiple billions we are taxed to send to dozens of foreign governments — especially Israel and corrupt regimes that have made “deals” with Israel. These outrageous giveaways aren’t issues in any election because both parties are bought and paid for by the Israel lobby. (16 minutes)

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Liberty Net: September 22, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

ONE OF THE THINGS I like about the Liberty Net is that it transcends the conventional categories of “left” and “right,” “liberal” and “conservative.”

Both the right and the left are all about economics, which essentially boils down to who should plow the turnip field, who should plant and harvest the turnips, and how many turnips everyone should get: as if the ultimate meaning of our lives and societies is the production and consumption of turnips — or dollars; same thing. The Liberty Net addresses economic issues at times, to be sure, but it also speaks to fundamental issues of who we are and what our purpose on Earth should be. It is radical in the original meaning of that word, which is “to get to the root of things.” And that’s a very good thing.

Listen: Liberty Net 9/22″]

Here’s a sampling of the issues debated and discussed this time:

• Only morons could possibly believe the “Iran is dangerous because of its nuclear program” pro-war propaganda, almost all of which directly or indirectly emanates from the one extremely dangerous, aggressive nuclear power in the Middle East: Israel. (18 minutes)

• It’s very good to hear that not all conservatives are following the neocon warmongers when it comes to Iran. One radio station owner in the Midwest, who checks in occasionally to the Liberty Net, is openly calling for allowing Iran total freedom to develop nuclear weapons if it wants to. He believes that a balance of power in that region is far better for peace than the current nuclear monopoly. (37 minutes)

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