Liberty Net for Week of May 8-15

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE WEEKLY Liberty Net continues to offer some of the most interesting and thought-provoking QSOs to be found anywhere in amateur radio.

There was some intentional interference this week, but the illegal jammers got no takers for their obscene and illegal interjections, and soon dried up and blew away.

Listen to or download the Liberty Net recorded May 8, 2010″]

Here’s just a small sampling of the hot topics discussed this time:

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Liberty Net for Week of May 1-8

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE WEEKLY Liberty Net was on the air in fine style this week, with lots of debate and controversy over politics, finance, the invasion of America on its southern border, and the malicious use to which the tragic oil spill might be put by foreign forces determined to keep America militarily engaged in the Middle East.

Listen to or download the Liberty Net recorded May 1, 2010″]

Here are some of the topics discussed on the Liberty Net recorded by N2IRJ on May 1st:

• Has John McCain been replaced by a well-groomed look-alike while the real McCain vacations in Fiji? (1 hour 3 minutes)

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Liberty Net for Week of April 24 – May 1

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THIS WEEK a computer crash caused N2IRJ’s recording to be lost — but we do have a partial recording from an online receiver, so some of this week’s Liberty Net (recorded 4/24) can still be heard. The Liberty Net is amateur radio’s premiere and longest-running discussion net, on the air since 1974. The Net Control Station is published author and antenna innovator Victor Misek, W1WCR.

Listen to or download this week’s Liberty Net”]

It was good to note the return of Vern, W9FAM, a broadcast station owner and talk show host in his own right, who’s been covering politics since he sat in on town hall meetings run by Obama predecessor and role model Franklin Roosevelt. Vern has been absent from the Net for several years. He puts in an excellent, high-quality signal.

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Liberty Net for Week of January 2-8

The Liberty Netby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE FIRST SESSION this year of the weekly current events discussion Liberty Net on 75 meters was a big success and more thought-provoking than ever.

It looks like Net Control Station (NCS) W1WCR and company may well have the biggest year in the three-decade-plus history of the Net.

Here is a small sampling from the topics covered in this week’s discussions, along with the time when they took place (from the beginning of the recording in hours and minutes):

Listen to or download this week’s Liberty Net”]

• There is no significant difference between Democrats and Republicans and the sooner Americans realize this the better. (33 minutes)

• Are you looking for a new political party? Perhaps White Americans should consider the Black Panther Party — substituting “White” for “Black” in their historic platform produces a most appealing document, proving that the desire for freedom and self-determination is universal. (39 minutes)

• The economic crash and “bailout” is really the looting of America: It wasn’t loans to low-income folks that crashed the economy. (45 minutes)

• What we really have is finance capitalism for most of us and socialism for the super-rich. America can rightfully be called the “billionaire bailout society.” (53 minutes)

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