Liberty Net: June 25, 2016

Liberty-Net---GE-807-tubeby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

SINCE THE British people declared their independence from the EU, dirty tricks have begun in an attempt to thwart Brexit, issuing from the Jewish oligarchs and from the EU bureaucrats they employ. Even Fetchit darkly hinted that Brexit hadn’t “gone through” yet — and might not. But there are also rumblings from the people themselves — in Italy, Austria, Hungary, and the Czech Republic, there are strong movements to leave the disastrous, anti-White EU. Nationalism and self-determination are on the rise, and it’s great to have lots of good news to report on the Liberty Net.

Listen: Liberty Net 6/25″]

Here are a select few of the topics debated on this week’s Liberty Net, along with my take on them:

• With all the oligarchs’ opprobrium heaped on the heads of White people who, like members of all races, prefer to live and work among their own kind, it’s amazing how many Britons openly stated that their reasons for voting “leave” were to some extent racial — though those who fear the “racist” label hasten to add that they object just as much to Eastern Europeans taking their jobs. Myself, I think they protest too much and the latter addition is cowardly and largely untrue. (20 minutes)

• If you jam the Liberty Net — if you attempt to take over the Liberty Net live discussion room and insult its participants — if you send out character assassination emails when you don’t get your way — don’t expect to be treated as anything but a jammer when you try to check in, because that’s exactly what you are. (27 minutes)

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Liberty Net: June 18, 2016

Liberty-Net---R390A-VU-meterby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

WITH THE VICTORY of Brexit in Britain (really a proxy for opposition to the non-White invasion), we can all be encouraged: The oligarchs can’t always get what they want, and a relatively small group of volunteer activists, with all the forces of Jewish power and finance against them, can still make history.

Listen: Liberty Net 6/18″]

Here are a few of the ideas brought up on this week’s Liberty Net, along with my comments:

• Perhaps a good use for all of those decommissioned Voice of America transmitters would be to broadcast a constantly-updated catalogue of crimes committed by Islamic invaders. (9 minutes)

• There were plenty of warnings about Omar Mateen, and the authorities were well aware of him. So what does his killing spree tell us about the much-touted “safety” of our surveillance society? Looks like we gave up our freedom and privacy for nothing. Much better just to stop slaughtering Middle Easterners for Israel — and stop importing them into our nations. (14 minutes)

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Liberty Net: June 11, 2016

Liberty-Net---RCA-814-tubesby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THANKS TO MARTY, N2IRJ who stood in as Net Control Station (NCS) on this week’s Liberty Net, when Vic, W1WCR had to be away. Marty is also the regular NCS for the Midweek Liberty Net, which takes place every Wednesday at 10PM Eastern Time. When you check in to these nets, your callsign will be placed on a list and then, after check-ins are completed, each station will be called upon for comments in the order in which he or she checked in.

Listen: Liberty Net 6/11″]

Here are a few of the ideas brought up on this week’s Liberty Net, along with my comments:

• A police officer in a major US city predicts massive civil disobedience — or possibly even civil war — if Hillary becomes manager of the Jews’ “federal government” in Washington and tries to further abrogate the Second Amendment. And, he predicts, in any such conflict many policemen will side with American citizens and will openly defy the Washington regime. (28 minutes)

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Liberty Net: June 4, 2016

Liberty-Net---300B-triode-tubeby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE LIBERTY Net and Midweek Liberty Net and Survival Net are cooperative, community ventures run by volunteers. When one Net Control Station can’t be there, another steps in so the Net continues. On those very rare occasions when no NCS volunteer is available, an informal net usually takes place spontaneously anyway. In every case, valuable information is shared and community is built. Join us and enjoy the fun and sharing soon!

Listen: Liberty Net 6/4″]

Here are a few of the topics brought up on this week’s Liberty Net, along with my comments:

• A good medium-distance 75 meter propagation beacon for those in the eastern part of North America is Navy station NAM, running 850-Hz shift encrypted RTTY centered on 4005 kHz. The station is one of the earliest utility stations, dating from the 1920s, and is located near Norfolk, Virginia. It’s on for most of the evening every day. (11 minutes)

• It’s good to see more and more realism about American history — such as substituting the term “War of Northern Aggression” for “Civil War” when discussing the 1861-1865 fratricidal conflict. (22 minutes)

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Liberty Net: May 28, 2016

Liberty-Net---811A-tubesby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

MANY READERS wonder just what kind of equipment they should use to start out in amateur radio and to participate in the Liberty Net. There are many different answers to that question, from vintage gear to the latest that technology has to offer. My personal preference is now — after experiencing several of them — to go with a Software Defined Radio (SDR).

The razor-sharp and infinitely-variable filters, ruler-flat frequency response, and clear, low-distortion capabilities of SDRs make them a whole order of magnitude better than conventional transceivers, in my opinion.

There are two major manufacturers of SDRs: Flex Radio and Anan. There are also numerous new start-up companies entering the field, like Italy’s Elad, so development and competition are in full swing. There are models that you can buy new for under $1,000, such as the Anan 10E, and I have seen used Flex SDR-1000s (an older model which I use) for under half that.

In the left-hand column of this site is a feed from the Flex Radio community forum, and in the right-hand column is a feed from the Anan discussion group. Jump in and read — there’s a whole new world of amateur radio out there, and it’s fun to learn!

Listen: Liberty Net 5/28″]

Here are a few of the subjects discussed on this week’s Liberty Net, along with my take on them:

• Chicago is quickly turning into another Detroit, like an African city in North America. There have been 500 confirmed homicides there so far this year, almost all perpetrated by Blacks. (59 minutes)

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Liberty Net: May 21, 2016

Liberty-Net---peak-power-meterby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

SOME READERS have asked for more details about N2IRJ’s transmitting antenna system — which provides a very effective signal from Marty’s QTH in Jackson, New Jersey. As I mentioned before, it is a Pyramid antenna designed by me, and consists of two inverted V antennas at right angles to each other fed from the same feedline, up about 45 to 50 feet at the apex and over 20 feet on each end. With one of the inverted V elements resonant at around 3600 kHz and the other resonant at about 3900 kHz, the antenna is not only efficient but covers the entire 75 meter and 80 meter band without requiring an antenna tuner. Even Marty’s SWR-sensitive solid state finals have no problem working into the under 2-to-1 load. This makes it easy to instantly answer a call or join a QSO as soon as you hear it.

Listen: Liberty Net 5/21″]

Here is my commentary on a few items selected from the topics mentioned on the Liberty Net this session:

• The enemies of White culture and heritage have now managed to push through a new pretended law forbidding the display of Confederate flags — a legitimate part of American history — on the graves of fallen soldiers. Some believe we should start regarding all of the legislation of the so-called US Congress as illegal, pretended laws. (1 hour 28 minutes)

• There’s a new Web site available online that was set up to accurately document the large number of hoax “hate crimes” that have been perpetrated in order to get sympathy, money, defame White people, or cover up crimes: (1 hour 37 minutes)

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Liberty Net: May 14, 2016

Liberty-Net---Electro-Voice-Cardax-Microphoneby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

I APOLOGIZE for the slight lateness of this article, but my family and friends and I have been engaged in some very hard work that kept me from writing — hard work that is part of a very positive development, making the work very much worth it.

Listen: Liberty Net 5/14″]

Here is my commentary on a small selection of the ideas put forth on the Liberty Net this week:

• The current food inflation rate in Venezuela is over 500 per cent. Is this a result of the “failed policies of socialism” or because the Washington regime is using its clout and dirty tricks to engineer a coup in that country — or a combination of both? (7 minutes)

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Liberty Net: May 7, 2016

Inverted-L_antenna_with_counterpoiseby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

SOMETIMES PEOPLE wonder about what kind of antennas are used by Liberty Net participants — and this is an excellent thing to know, since by emulating those with excellent signals, you are likely to have an excellent signal too.

W1WCR uses a 165′ long doublet fed in the center with open wire line, up about 90 feet in the air. There is an extensive ground screen underneath the antenna in every direction. N2IRJ uses a pyramid antenna, which is two inverted vees at right angles to each other fed by the same coaxial feedline — one tuned for the low end of 80 meters, the other for the high end of 75 meters — with the apex up about 50 feet. W3JMD uses a cage dipole up in the clear at 32 feet, with a somewhat longer wire ground reflector directly underneath it. WB4AIO uses an inverted L that goes up more or less vertically for about 80′ (the wire slants somewhat, so the highest point is about 65-70′), then almost horizontally for approximately 70′ for a total wire length of 150′. The antenna base feedpoint is seven feet above the ground and there are two elevated 50′ radials. The L is fed by open wire line with a current balun at each end.

Note that all of these antennas are full size (or larger) for the band in question, and do not use traps or coils of any kind in the antenna wires.

Listen: Liberty Net 5/7″]

Here is my take on a small selection of the ideas put forth on the Liberty Net this session:

• Now that hyper-Zionist oligarch Sheldon Adelson, who has been the de facto owner of the Republican party for years, has endorsed Donald Trump, does that signal that a deal has been made between the establishment and “anti-establishment” Trump? (30 minutes)

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Liberty Net: April 30, 2016

Liberty-Net---dramatic-storm-cloudby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

SOMETHING to consider during this lightning season is having the capability to disconnect your antenna when local strikes are occurring. At WB4AIO, I use a couple of 30-amp Powerpole connectors to attach the open wire feedline for my antenna to the open wire feedthrough tubes that go through the outside wall of my house.

When a storm gets close, I just walk out to the back yard, disconnect the feedline by pulling apart the connectors, and throw it back toward the woods patch about ten or fifteen feet away. Problem solved!

I also have high-value (about 20 megohms) resistors permanently connected across the feeders so that local precipitation or atmospheric fronts are incapable of causing a static DC buildup on the line.

Listen: Liberty Net 4/30″]

Here are a few items heard on the Liberty Net this week along with my commentary:

• The sudden collapse of the Kasich and Cruz campaigns could be just exactly what it seems to be — but it also might be an indication that the oligarchs have found another and more effective way of containing and controlling Trump, who just hired a Jewish hedge fund CEO and former Goldman Sachs operative as his finance chief. (29 minutes)

• Yet another Confederate monument is being removed by the forces of Political Correctness, this time at the University of Louisville in Kentucky. When White genes are replaced by non-White genes, all of our heritage will ultimately be lost; that is how civilizations fall. (32 minutes)

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Liberty Net: April 23, 2016

Liberty-Net---radio_daysby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

JUST LOOK at a map of Europe and compare it to a map of Asia and it is easy to see that White people are more individualistic and less united than Asians — the countries in Europe are smaller; the national groups are both more numerous and more fractured. With the immigration invasion and the Jewish threat, though, it’s about time for Whites — from Madrid to Moscow, from Rapallo to Reykjavik, and beyond — to become much more united.

Listen: Liberty Net 4/23″]

Here’s my selection of ideas and issues from among those discussed on this week’s Liberty Net, along with my take on them:

• Ever hear of “virtue signaling”? It’s a type of cuckery that self-hating White people do. It can involve adopting Black children or non-White cultural practices or supporting anti-White political causes — all as a means of showing how “good” they are according to the Jewish-created inverted morality they have internalized. And it’s not just left-wingers or liberals who do this: A lunatic “anti-racist” White evangelical fundamentalist couple recently implanted Black embryo triplets in the wife’s womb. (31 minutes)

• Some analysts are now saying that Trump has gained the support of a behind-the-scenes anti-neocon coalition of military and intelligence officers who are sick of America’s endless wars for Israel. (51 minutes)

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