ONE OF THE EXPERIMENTS taking place at WB4AIO and N2IRJ is the introduction of software defined radios (SDRs) into the Liberty Net technological arsenal. Look for improved reception, streaming, and recordings in the near future!
Listen: Liberty Net 8/11″]
Here’s a tiny selection of the many, many subjects discussed and debated during this week’s Liberty Net:
• The Washington regime is opening a “data collection center” in Utah, which is supposed to become operational next year, explicitly for the illegal and unconstitutional purpose of aiding the regime’s efforts to spy on our email, telephone, and other private conversations. (19 minutes)
• Predictably, Mitt Romney has selected yet another neocon warmonger as his running mate. The “mainstream,” billionaire-media-approved candidates of both parties all support the Zionist murderers and bankers who misrule us and a good part of the world. (23 minutes)