A Tribute to Harvey Heinz, W8MPB

A scan of Harvey's signature from one of his many "care packages"

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THANKS to Mike, ex-N3GVA, some precious audio files were recently rescued, and we once again have access to the recordings of W8MPB, Harvey Heinz, made during his final days with us in March, 1999. We also get to hear KE2LO, W9OAG, N8ECR and other voices which we sorely miss on 3950 these days.

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Liberty Net for Week of March 13-20

An early American allegorical engraving, showing Justice personified as a goddess recording the voice of the people guided by light, liberty, and truth. It is a particularly apt symbol for the Liberty Net.

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

JUST BEFORE this week’s Liberty Net, a very unusual wind storm in New Jersey — characterized by brief but extremely powerful “micro-gusts” of wind — caused extensive damage and protracted power loss; but N2IRJ’s generator saved the day, and the Net was able to be recorded as usual.

[wpaudio url=”https://3950.net/recordings/LIBERTY%20NET%20%20%202010%20March%2013th,%20Saturday%20%20%205h%2014m%2000s%20%20%20Source%20%20N2IRJ.mp3″ text=”Listen to or download this week’s Liberty Net”]

Here are a few of the highlights:

• The post-storm power situation in Jackson, New Jersey was so bad that the police resorted to robo-calls to, apparently, all citizens, to let them know about the situation. (6 minutes)

• The American Family Association (AFA) has made the bizarre demand that the orca that killed a trainer at Sea World should be “stoned to death” in accordance with “scripture.” (27 minutes)

• An activist going by the name of “Splitting the Sky” attempted to make a citizen’s arrest of George W. Bush for war crimes when the latter crossed into Canada. (29 minutes)

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My First Hamfest Purchase Now a Museum Piece

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE YEAR WAS 1973. It was my first hamfest. I was so young I didn’t have a driver’s license and my mother drove me to Gaithersburg that crisp October morning. I met WA3PUN, Ed Bolton, there. He was one of the AM amateur operators that I’d just started talking with on 75 meters. And I made my very first hamfest purchase — a shiny new-looking 1950s military surplus receiver, a Collins R-395, part of the PRD-1 direction finding set.

Now I notice, thanks to the Declan McCullagh photography site, that an R-395 that looks exactly like the one I bought and added to my Viking Valiant / BC-610 / DX-150A HF station is now enshrined as an exhibit in the National Cryptologic Museum in Laurel, Maryland. Time passes, and what was once just an old yet interesting receiver is now a notable part of history.

Liberty Net for Week of January 30 – February 6

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

DESPITE CHALLENGES, like changing propagation that brought inadvertent conflict with another net, and intentional (and illegal) jamming from would-be censors, W1WCR’s free speech current events discussion net, the Liberty Net, did itself proud once again this week, with information and analysis of the news that you simply can’t get anywhere else.

Here are just a few of the topics discussed this week (times are from the beginning of the recording):

Listen to or download this week’s Liberty Net”]

• Obama, who looks increasingly like a one-term president, gives everything to the bankers and nothing to the small businessman. (32 minutes)

• A Liberty Net member announces his support for the NAACP in their lawsuit based on lack of enforcement when it comes to Mestizo gangs attacking Black families. Why are no White Americans doing this? — we are victims of these gangs too. Where are the mainstream “conservative” pundits like Glenn Beck and Alex Jones? Why are they silent on this issue? (59 minutes)

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by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

YOU MIGHT have noticed that I offer a link to Hamcall.net but not to the competition in the amateur callsign database business (QRZ). It’s my protest against the current policy of QRZ’s owner, Fred Lloyd, AA7BQ, of delisting amateurs who he dislikes. [UPDATE 2019: Now I also provide a link to the new callsign lookup site QRZCQ.com. Both sites are far better than QRZ.com.]

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