by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO
HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT about going on strike? — withdrawing as far as possible from supporting the economy, the regime in Washington, and the parasites that feed on them? — withdrawing from any act, economic or otherwise, that supports the regime’s murderous, illegal wars? Think about it — and listen to the three weekly Liberty Net and Survival Net sessions for fresh ideas that could change your life and the world.
Liberty Net – 2013-0525″]
Here are a few of the latest ideas put up for discussion and debate on the Liberty Net:
• If Bush and Obama were authentic human beings instead of monstrous shills for the even more monstrous oligarchs, they would show remorse for the thousands of innocent people they have tortured, the thousands of innocent people they have ripped away from their equally innocent families, the thousands of innocent people they have burned alive, the thousands of innocent people they have killed with bombs and missiles, and the millions of innocent people who have lost their freedom and suffered grievously because of the evil puppet governments they have set up. (11 minutes)
• In Europe, the System’s police refuse to protect the people from immigrant violence and aggression. Even worse, the police attack the people when they protest the violence, human trafficking, and other crimes committed by non-Whites. But there is hope — nationalist groups are stepping in to do the job that the police will not do. (36 minutes)