by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO
WE LIVE IN A STRANGE country in which leaders and aspiring leaders fall all over themselves to promise to defend the eternal sanctity of Israel’s borders — but care not a whit for our own. But there are rational people who recognize this insanity for what it is, and speak out about it on amateur radio’s Liberty Net, which has been serving the public interest, convenience, and necessity since 1974.
Here are just a few of the ideas discussed and debated during the net this session:
• The standoff at the Bundy ranch brought some fundamental issues to light — primary among these is the idea that the pretended “laws” enacted by the criminal Washington regime should no longer be regarded as laws at all. (21 minutes)
• With literally hundreds of thousands of pages of “laws” on the books covering almost every known human activity, evil men in power can cherry pick which “laws” they will enforce, and against whom — giving them the power to destroy anyone they choose. (31 minutes)