by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO
THE INTERNET is a great and, so far, little-censored medium for debate and for bypassing the controlled media. But for truly understanding the other fellow’s point of view, there’s nothing that can match hearing — and responding to — the other speaker’s actual words, and actual voice, in real time. That’s one of the great strengths of the Liberty Net.
Listen: Liberty Net 12/7″]
Here’s a small selection from among the debates on the net this week:
• The media talk on December 7th embodied two great hoaxes: the idea that the 1941 Pearl Harbor attack was a “surprise” to the regime in Washington, and the “sainted” image of murderer, terrorist, and Communist Nelson Mandela. (26 minutes)
• One of the “revolutionary” methods used by Mandela’s ANC against their Black political rivals was called “necklacing” — which was accomplished by placing a gasoline-soaked automobile tire around an immobilized victim’s neck, then setting it afire. The deaths suffered were prolonged and agonizing. (30 minutes)